Monday, August 9, 2021

and, let me say it clearly enough.

was asimov a great writer? 

he wasn't, no. that doesn't matter.

what i actually liked about asimov was the (often times naive) exploration of various scientific hypotheses. but, i was, like, ten years old. i found the gaia hypothesis to be fascinating, for example. could the earth be a living thing? well, if you're tripping out into that as an adult, you need to take some basic science, but it's an intriguing question for a kid to try to work out.

as it was with king, it didn't matter to me that he didn't excel at the specific literary devices that an academic analysis will key on. i mean, i get the criticism - and i expect to roll my eyes.

these are good kids books, though, whether they were intended that way, or not.

but, yeah - i know i'm going to cringe, and i'm ready for it. but, expect the reviews to largely gloss over it...