Tuesday, March 20, 2018

that was another 18 hours of sleep. almost. i got up to eat. hopefully, i'm awake....
i never got started today and am about to pass out early, yet again.

i thought i had this fixed. almost all the holes were blocked. finally. but, the idiots downstairs thought it would be a good idea to blow smoke into the apartment from outside by blowing up through the window sill.

no joke: they are sticking their head out their window and blowing the smoke up. i guess they expect me to close the window? they may just be trying to irk me.....

...but, obviously, the more smoke they blow in, the longer it takes to clear out. fucking idiots.

it's going to take all night to clear. but, the effects are felt.

so, i am once again crashing early due to the draining effects of second hand thc. ugh.

the next time that happens, i'm going to have to dump water on their heads. but, this is also getting into the realm of something that i could potentially prosecute as harassment...