process explorer is an xp tool created by some nerds that later got hired by microsoft to create some vista accessories. i learned how to use it when i was doing vista support. and, it's literally logging multiple remote access requests.
somebody is repeatedly trying to log into this machine remotely and consistently running into errors due to the intentionally broken subsystem.
the problem is that the machine has no network card in it. how are they doing that?
i'm going to disconnect my modem and router...they might be logged into the network and hacking me from my own (disabled) wireless network.
as i've pointed out a few times - this isn't an amateur. but, i am an amateur. i have degrees in pure mathematics, constitutional law and object-oriented programming. i've never taken a formal course in networking, and really don't have a lot of interest in it.
the asimov text is mostly done and mostly not very good but i have to try to get a handle on what's going on. again - i don't care, in an ideological sense. but, if the result of repeated failed login attempts is that i can't use the machine, i have to stop them.
i don't know if the machine is rebooting because they're trying to install software or because they can't even login. i haven't noticed any funny files, and the log i'm pulling out is full of error messages.