Monday, January 13, 2014

ignorance is bliss (final album mix)

this is a brand new (jan, 2014) construction to replace the previous one, making it the third incarnation. and, if we accept dialectical reasoning, we can conclude it's a final outcome - unless it converts itself into another track altogether.

the thesis here was a fully produced version that included vocals. the antithesis was a minimal version that stripped out most of the production along with the lyrics. this synthesis brings the production back in while leaving the vocals out. i've tried to author my additions while keeping in mind the aesthetic ideals i was attached to in the period. that is to say that while this is a new mix, it belongs to the time the track was created - mid 2000. no new recorded sound has been added.

thesis (vocal mix), antithesis (2004 mix) and an early mix (inristart), as well as a completely different construction of the track, are available here, with write-ups:

i'm just going to talk a little about the specific changes in the 2014 mix. first, i've brought the introductory guitar solo back in, but extended it by reflecting it across the y axis. a backwards solo now follows the first solo. the reason i left it out was that it was written to segue into the vocals. that is to say that when the guitar part ended, the vocals began, and the track carried forward momentum through because of that. removing the vocals left the guitar part as a sort of bridge to nowhere. the extension by means of reflection resolves that issue of continuity, and reintegrates what was an interesting moment in the initial track.

the story around the bass part is sort of funny. the vocal mix actually contains what was a replacement bass part. it's a more playful part. yet, when i wanted to remove the vocals, i was forced to revert to the initial part. at the time, i decided that accepting the less interesting bass part was a valid trade-off for removing the bass. well, why not have two bass parts?

the vocal version also had a funk guitar part that was written to play off against the second bass part. this funk guitar part didn't make sense when contrasted against the initial bass part. yet, as i'm bringing in the second bass part, i can also bring in the funk guitar part.

there were two thunder claps in the vocal version that were inserted as sound effects - the thunder claps when the narrator opens an umbrella. while the first is nonsensical without the vocals, the second has been readded for dramatic effect.

lastly, i had a sequenced "ukelele" part running through the track. well, it's a sampler set up to a ukelele fret board. meaning it's triggering samples based on ukelele chord shapes. this is early 2000, way before that shit was trendy. nor has it ever been trendy in the context of being triggered by a computer. i digress...

it ran all the way through the vocal version, and, in hindsight, i don't know why. the minimal version is superior to the vocal version in this respect; the power of the drum machine drilling away underneath the interstellar synth parts is lost when clouded up by a bunch of goofy ukelele trills. instead, i've targeted the ukelele part to two specific sections: right after the first guitar solo, and leading up to the final swell before the fade.

these are the changes i've made in 2014, all of them with the intent to capture the entirety of the track as it was initially written.

as for the track itself, it's almost indescribable except to point out it's really psychedelic and really electronic and really epic.

created in the spring and summer of 2000. reconstructed in 2004 and again in 2014. final construction is dated to jan 13, 2014.

acidosis cover art

i was able to reconstruct what i was looking for through source. problem solved.

it would still be nice to open those files, though. there's no way i can buy this program. and nobody's pirating obsolete windows 98 software. so if you have a copy, i'd greatly appreciate you sending it to me :).
i'm wondering if people could think for a second if they might have a copy of a cd cover art program from the windows 9x period called "adaptec easy cd creator 3". they packaged it free with cd-burners in the late 90s. unfortunately, it was later purchased by roxio, and they were absolute jerks about maintaining backwards functionality. cl3 files will not open with new versions of roxio, not even version 4. only version 3. the internet isn't throwing a file back at me, so if anybody could iso one up and email it to me...
mixing records only has one rule: do not mix while inebriated. your ears are not trustworthy when baked. i repeat: your ears are not trustworthy when baked.

i am arrogantly flaunting this rule.

i can provide a reasoned argument.

i'm not just empty rebellion. such accusations are premature, hear me out!

see, while the rule is a reasonable rule of thumb, there are circumstances where music is meant to be consumed baked. under such circumstances, mixing should be done baked to capture the blur properly.

jess 1, rules 0.

of course, i made that rule up, and i am the only person under it's authority, so my assertion of sovereignty is somewhat trivial.

nonetheless, i am flaunting my own convention and will not be persuaded from it.

deny everything cover art

file: 04 cynicide mix.mp3
composition: ignorance is bliss (cynicide mix)
status: completed mp3 file
file: 03 inristart mix.mp3
composition: ignorance is bliss (base mix)
status: completed mp3 file
file: 02 2004 mix.mp3
composition: ignorance is bliss (minimal mix)
status: completed mp3 file
file: 01 vocal mix.mp3
composition: ignorance is bliss (original vocal mix)
status: completed mp3 file