Friday, May 15, 2020

so, i got a first pass finished this morning, but it's so dry in here that i'm literally bleeding. i'm hoping the temperature outside has stabilized from that freak cold snap, so that i can begin the process of bringing the humidity levels inside up to something more normal. and, i think i'm feeling better already, but let's hope it's not fleeting.

so, i guess i blew the whole week, but let's hope that things renormalize themselves a bit better from here on in.

i'm going to stop to do some cleaning and just generally run the hot water for the next several hours.

i still need to rebuild the appspot portion of the site into the blogger front-end, because all of the files that i built up at the beginning of the month seem to have strangely disappeared. there's also going to be a cross-referencing phase.

but, the bulk of it is done, and i would expect to be able to publish it by monday.

i think there's a cop upstairs, but the property owner is technically not home and hasn't been for months. so, let's hope we can avoid the air conditioner for most of the year...
i'm definitely not entirely done yet, but i'm over a hump in rebuilding it in the blog, anyways.

another day or two. i made progress tonight, at least....