Thursday, November 16, 2017

my ink might be here tomorrow, actually. have to keep an eye on that. if so, i could ship as early as saturday. if not, it's looking like it will probably be tuesday.

i wanted to ship more today, but i was only able to get inri058 out. that's the 4 cd set. it's shipped.

my drop by odsp was a little underwhelming, but only in the sense of it not being at all formal. i had to write a request by hand. i'll probably type something up before tuesday. i know this is all discretionary, but the situation is rather ridiculous; i can't afford to pay a mover, so if i can't move the furniture then i'll have to leave it here and then go to charity to get more furniture. and, i'd guess that the owners of this place will probably end up donating this furniture to charity. that would be kind of outrageously stupid, right? in the end, the city ends up paying for the moving costs, anyways. but, i know better than to expect pristine logic from the city.

i updated my accounting to reflect the price i actually paid for ink over the last two years, and it makes less of a difference than i thought, overall - my profit decreased from $42 to $34, and sean's went from $6 to $4.50. it's disappointing, but not catastrophic. most of the records i've sold don't have sean on them; i'm actually splitting things 50/50. but, if i get 50 pages out of $20 ink, it's closer to the profit margin i expected.

the actual truth is that i still haven't covered start-up costs.

i'm otherwise fed and am in or the weekend, so i'm going to shower and get to work on inri061. i'm hoping this is the last stretch before i get to the compilations next week.
so, i'm about to get back to work for a few hours over night, but what did i do today?

i gave odsp a call when i woke up this afternoon and realized that i'm going to have to go in and talk to somebody tomorrow. my worker's not in this week. but, i need to get the forms running. and, i need to do that before i call about utilities and estimating moving costs. if i can just get the forms tomorrow and bring them in on tuesday, i'll be happy with that.

after the saga of serving the appeal last week, which was largely a consequence of not being able to find the right tube for my bicycle, i had to make sure i got the thing right, so i went down to the local bicycle store and grilled him on what i needed. with my rain jacket, i maybe seemed a little like the spanish inquisition - but i called ahead, so he had what i needed there when i got there. he talked me into buying a tire. i didn't need a lot of convincing, because i'm going to need a new tire eventually anyways, right? or, to put it another way: i can always use a spare tire.

we can all always use a spare tire.

they should put that on the side of the space shuttles. it's maybe the closest thing to a universal human truth that i've ever fucking seen. really.


what was the problem with the tube i got at canadian tire last week - not once, but twice? see, i showed it to the guy and he said my tire must have some glass in it because it's ripped. that's why i bought a tire.

we can all always use a spare tire.

but, i think it actually ripped on the rim, because it didn't fit right. the first one just inflated into it. and the second one felt like i was riding a balloon animal for a few seconds before it popped.  it just didn't fit. that's all there is to it.

i actually got the technically correct correct tubes, this time. see, i'd been hacking out a 28-32 for i don't know how long. the tubes that burst were 23-28, and they were floppy. i should have actually been using 38s the whole time. imagine that. hrmmn.

after a brief stop at the grocery store (with the tire around my neck), i went home and fixed the tire - and fixed it is, yes. i took it out for a spin to make sure. i'm good to go.

so, at the end of the ordeal, i ended up spending a total of about $70 and i got a working bike pump, a spare tire and a spare tube out of it, in addition to getting the thing working. about $15 of that disappeared on bad tubes. but, i learned something from it.

i didn't sit down to eat until close to 9:00, and i had to do dishes and clean up in here after all of that. but i'm ready to finish the cover art for the second mp3 disc and get back to the rest of it after that.

i might be able to print in grey scale, but i have to wait until the ink gets here before i can print the rest of the covers. so, i'm going to go ahead and make the actual discs, and then see if i can print greyscale on them or not. either way, everything should be ready to go when the ink gets here.

and, i should be able to get around and do some things on my bicycle in the morning.