Sunday, January 17, 2016

it's interesting to look at the watch stats and build patterns. it gives you a little bit of data to compare to what you read about the world, regarding economic development.

for example, almost all of my hits from sub-saharan africa (not including south africa) are from nigeria or kenya. that's consistent with what you read in the papers.

something else that's interesting is that turkey clearly clusters with the eu: i have hundreds of hits from turkey, and almost none in arab countries (egypt is the highest). israel is somewhere in between europe and the arab countries.

i'm getting nothing from central america. and, the uk is kind of a special case because it's english speaking (i'm also getting a lot of hits from australia). but, broadly speaking, and especially if you take out the g7 countries, south america and europe are more or less interchangeable in terms of hit counts. and, the reality is that this is broadly true in terms of the strengths of their economies, as well.

i supposedly have zero hits from china and 41 hits from taiwan, although i know that's not actually true.

it's been a week, now, without smoking. i have a lot more work to do in breaking the page apart - although i think i may be over the hump by the time the sun comes up. this process may take another week. but, i'm ok with this.