Wednesday, January 21, 2015

no. close though.
yeah, i'm plowing through this. soon.

i think this mix is done before the next sleep for sure.


it's been a while since i uploaded anything totally new, so i'm going to jump ahead a little with this. it's not clear how i'll be presenting this, yet.

this is an abandoned mix from late 2002 (uploaded unmodified) and will be the track i'll be working on next.

as this is the last track of the jjjjjjjjjjj phase, i'm going to finish this as an epic. it's an exceedingly rough skeleton. i thought i had more of a score than i do, so i'm going to have to score it first. again: i thought this would be sort of quick, but it clearly needs a lot of work.
so, i'm relatively confident i got the first half done, but i'm going to have to sleep on it....

i think i'm over the hump. thankfully.
yeah. i'm feeling myself moving out of the dead phase and into the manic phase. let's get this fucker done...

what i need to do is just sit down and put the thing on repeat and tweak it mildly until what i want comes out. i keep saying this won't take long, but i'm realizing this was a false projection. it's gonna be a while...
i feel i'm finally making some progress with this....