Monday, May 18, 2020

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so, i'm about 50% through the double check on the rebuild, in terms of calendar dates. let's hope i can get through the rest of this pretty quick.

i want to finish this before i go out to get my pills.
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i think i was able to avoid the migraine by running the shower.

but, the smoke seems to have triggered my asthma, which could set me off for weeks right when it's about to get nice out.

it's a lesser problem. but, this is so fucking frustrating :(.
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hey pig....

do you think i give a fuck about your flooring?

'cause i don't.
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she's smoking drugs up there again, and here comes the migraine, on cue.

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why don't i just drink more water?

because i'd have to drink less coffee.

i don't want to live in an artificial desert and drink gallons of water to offset it. there's no reason for it; it's stupid. and, i'm going to end up gaining weight.

just let the humidity come up to normal levels...
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i was almost feeling normal yesterday for a bit, before the heater turned back on.

i'm not depressed. i'm just dehydrated. the chemical i'm not getting enough of is water. and, i've done enough of an experiment to convince myself of it.

we could still get some downpours, but the scary system coming in seems to have broken up just south of the border and looked something more like this when it get here:

i succeeded in getting the humidity in here up on saturday to a point where i felt healthy, but what i had to do in order to do it was pretty insane - i had to run the shower nonstop for hours, while continually washing my face. i'd have to essentially sit in a sauna for six hours a day. i can't do that on a daily basis.

the forecast was a tease last week, but it looks like we should finally get some more humid weather soon, and i can only hope it clicks into place for a nice, long humid summer so i don't have to constantly run the shower to offset the desiccation...

but, i mean, if i'm inside all summer, and the air kicks in, that's the reality of what's going to happen. i'm not going to sit in here and shiver in dry, cold air, with shit all over my face. the shower is going to be running nonstop so i can clean myself...

for now, i'm going to finish a few things up this morning before i get back to running the hot water for a few hours to try and undo the heaters, and hope it works.