Monday, June 27, 2016

27-06-2016: confirming the interference still exists, and shielding my brain with tinfoil

tracks worked on in this vlog:

today was actually a long day, and while i haven't moved on to inri001, i've at least set myself up for it.

i was able to confirm that the phones are still picking up a charge, and that the charge can be easily drained from the cable. the totality of evidence suggests i'm dealing with an environmental magnetic field, but i still have the possibility of bad wiring (no ground) as a cause.

i want to see if it's the field, first. i only had half of the cord covered with foil. i spent several hours this afternoon lining the entire cord over....

while i haven't listened to it with full coverage yet, it is ready to go when i wake up.

the other things that happened today were that i spent a lot of time eating as a consequence of the schedule doubling over, and that i did a lot of editing on the vlogs. the google+ page is just about wiped, so my reacts should be back to normal, pretty much, now.

i'm falling asleep...