Wednesday, July 30, 2014

head is back on, and i can tune my g again without breaking my wrist for the first time in quite a while. yay....

no wobbling. perfect snug fit.

i should have got some strings while i was there, though. well, i almost did but it seems like d'addario changed their packages and i wasn't sure if they were the same gauge or not. strings are strings. but i'm picky about gauges...
well, that worked out well.

initially, i was faced with a wall of $50 grovers. no thanks.

the guy pulled out a $30 pair of precision tuners, but they would have required drilling new holes, and i wasn't going to do that.

the tech eventually walked by, and he went and got a single stock epiphone head for me. $5. hurray...

i am going to want to swap these out eventually, but i don't want to drill holes so it's going to be a research project to find some heads that will allow me to swap them out in the holes that are already there.

also, i just realized that the initial post could be rather badly misinterpreted.

just to update on it: i couldn't get the head to stay still, and it sort of clicked that it was physically broken. so, i unscrewed the knob to see if i could tighten something and it just completely fell apart.

cheap heads break. that one lasted fifteen years. that's actually pretty good.

and it may have had to do with the way it was tuned. i may have bent it by stringing it with a wound g. i've gone back to unwound strings on that guitar.

head is fucked.

going to buy a new one. hopefully, i just can buy one...
the hazards of long nails on your picking hand, which is also usually going to be your wiping hand...

i scratched my anus.


i should do a psa for kids, so they know.

"remember kids: if you play classical guitar, always wears gloves while wiping in order to avoid scratching your anus."

what else is there to do besides stick a wad of toilet paper in there? so, now i'm going to have to walk around looking like i shit my pants for the next few hours.

jokes aside, it's got me wondering if there's like an e coli risk or something. i mean, opening up a hole in your anus so bacteria can crawl into your bloodstream can't be good news. i guess i just have to hope my neutrophils are populated, armed and ready for battle!

"unfortunately, we regret to inform you that jessica has perished due to complications resulting from a mild case of accidental anal scratching."

i should publicly apologize to my neutrophils for increasing their workload. i can only imagine what they're thinking....

"dude, where'd all this e coli come from"
"the fucking idiot scratched her anus."
"classical guitar finger nails."
"she didn't know better than to wear gloves?"
"apparently not."
"what a fucking noob."
"there's a few over there, let's go phagosome 'em."
"i'm not hungry, i just had a bunch..."
"just fucking do it."

uploading the mosh pit song to youtube

that was a very productive two weeks, the kind i'd like to see happen more often. i'm moving into december, 1996 in the alter-reality - and the end of the first demo tape. this is the last original track off of that tape; there will be one further track posted, but it's a 1998 rerecording of the version on the tape. there will be a 66 day period between the end of the first tape and the beginning of the second. i was actually grounded at the beginning of 1997, and not allowed to play guitar. so, i'll be cycling through the tracks a second time, but won't post them here over that period. that won't turn over until the end of october.

hits are up dramatically this week due to trolling weird al, so the bach song has done very well. i doubt i'll be able to sustain that kind of traffic over the next two weeks, but the curve has been generally increasing up to now so it's hard to predict. i wouldn't have predicted this kind of traffic, before.

i hope to get at least the song i've been trying to start for days done by the end of the two week period, and aspire to get up to the end of sept, 2001 permanently dealt with. we'll see how that goes.

so, this will switch over at midnight.


back when i was a silly kid, i wrote some silly punk songs for other silly kids to be silly kids while listening to them. the tendency dried up when i hit my mid-teens and became sullen and withdrawn and totally into imaginary guitar solos, but there's a handful of these scattered in the old stuff.

this wears it's influences pretty obviously: it's something like nirvana doing a goofy cover of "march of the pigs", with some white zombie skronking mixed in. despite that, i've pulled it out as a highlight because it captures a sort of youthful irreverence. that, and it's pretty catchy.

the track was obviously sped up for effect.

tomorrow, i'm going to finally start building the rest of the furniture i need in this place: several large bookshelves and a few tables. i simply can't find anything i could substitute in the way i want it on kijiji.

i've been waiting for a year to do this, so i'm a little excited about it. i've got a lot of measuring to do...

i was initially counting on a small but regular sum coming from my stepmother to deal with the extra furniture. well, i say that without a lot of seriousness. it was something my father had indicated was important to him, and there was a verbal agreement reached on his instigation, but i really knew better than to take it seriously. he'd indicated to me a few times that she wasn't listening to him and his wishes weren't likely to be carried out, and i knew it was more than the morphine talking. he tried, but the truth is he knew as well as i did that she wasn’t going to honour anything she didn't sign and she wasn't going to sign anything...

i probably wouldn't have moved here in the first place if i was taking that seriously. i think i *did* think she'd give it a few months, at least. either way, it never materialized.

so, then i was waiting for the tax return to come in. but they're splitting it up on a monthly basis. so, instead of getting $650 in one chunk that i could spend on furniture amongst other things, i get bit a more than $50 a month, starting last month. which means i'd have to go to the hardware store and buy some wood every month for the next three or four months, or save it up until next spring. annoying...

it turns out the landlord doesn't want to pay me interest on my rent deposit, so he's giving it back to me this month. that is, i don't pay rent this month. he knows i'm not going anywhere, so the last month scenario is pretty unlikely. and, he's not going to immediately evict me for missing a month, either. three, probably...

so, that gives me some extra disposable income, and the cash i need to get the stuff built.

i actually don't have a clue what this is going to cost. i'm just going to measure what i need and go down and find out. but i figure there's not more than $20 worth of wood in any single thing i want to build, so i'm guessing $150 absolute max and probably something more like $75. the question is going to arise as to how much is going to end up as waste. but i'll figure out something to do with any extra pieces i get.

i'm also going to have to get a drill. i could screw through particle board, but i can't screw through heavier wood. and i'm mostly going to be making the stuff ikea style, which means drilling holes into the wood and then screwing it together with dowels and stuff.

i mean, i don't otherwise know how to make furniture. shelves are pretty intuitive; the key is just making sure everything's orthogonal. i've put together enough ikea stuff, though, that i can reverse engineer the idea and apply it to the rest of it.