Sunday, July 14, 2019

the nice thing about bandcamp is that you can always redownload an album once you buy it, even if i add tracks to it.

so, i'm going to build the liner notes and leave them in progress, meaning that if you buy the download you'll get the notes that exist, until they're done. that means that i should be able to start closing them in real-time starting in 2026.

events. shit happens. this is what it is.

i just don't want to sit down and do a memoir off the top of my head; i'm going to forget things, it won't be organic, etc. doing it in real-time means i'll have time to work it out, plan it through, etc.

so, i was going to flip back to the journal i found over christmas break, 1996, which would have started in mid-1993, between grades 6 and 7. i switched schools at the time, as is normal to do. but, now i can maybe start between grades two and three, which is when i switched elementary schools on the recommendation of my very silly mother, who was obsessed about there being a playground (even though i tended to spend my recesses in the library). what year is that?

summer of 1993 --->7

so, i'd have to start in the fall, i guess.

that's not so crazy. it won't be my main focus, but it'll give me some more time to read through all these old books and write these old reviews.


1) legal documents.
2) rebuild and organize from 2013-2017. i keep pointing out that this should be a relatively quick process, i just haven't been back at it for a few months, now. soon.
3) back to recording, including getting right into the alter-reality, it seems.
...and, in the mean-time, let's hope i can get through 2003-2006, at least.
that means that when the alter-reality comes up in 2021 or 2022, it should come up over here:

and, i'll want to actually stick to it this time.
so, i'm getting itchy and getting impatient and wanting to move on. if i move in periods, and i know i do, i'm getting ready to move to the next one after somewhat of a break.

my plans to have an alter-reality staggered over twenty years have been essentially ruined by legal battles that are of little fault of my own. i left off at the end of 1996, and would have to run through three years at this point. this really defeats the purpose of actually doing it; the purpose was to run through in real time.

that said, i do not want to permanently close these releases until the journal is written. that is, i don't want to discard the concept. so, what do i do?

i'm going to change the time frame, again. i don't have any other choice, really.

so, the alter-reality is now staggered by thirty years instead of twenty, meaning it's mid-1989 in the alter-reality, and i'm only eight years old. i was neither writing in a journal, nor reading books, nor playing guitar at that point. so, there won't be any further entries for a few more years, at least.

but, what that means is that i'll be able to run through the entire 90s in one piece as it comes up, in real-time. and then the 00s. the cut-off point remains mid-2013.

i'm going to continue pushing forward with the blog from that point forward, in the format i've been pushing. so, expect me to fill out entries from 2013 to noow and release them over noise trade in the format i have been releasing them in.

and, then i'm going to get back to actually recording.

this week, i need to write some legal papers. if i'm lucky, this process should get me on the right step forwards to having the conditions required to finish the discography.