Wednesday, October 21, 2015

potentially substantial breakthrough. needs testing. again.

i wasn't getting any grit on the bottom end - i've explained this before, that nice boom, the dynamics. sounded like it was through a limiter.

so, i swapped the other headphones in and, while they sounded noticeably worse, i was at least getting the dynamics. definitely headphones.

now, these headphones both say LCH on them. i guess it was a factory error. but, what i did was swap sides, and i seem to have got the boom back.

i'm hoping that's the last fix. just let me get through testing.

if that's it, it's probably a contact issue - the cord wasn't connecting right on one or both sides. that could have happened when i took them apart to clean them, and just put them back together without thinking about it.
i think my ears are ok.

but the cord out of the mixer on the left side seems to have been slightly loose. it seems ok, now.


i will fix this, one day.

i'm fed, awake and focused for at least a few hours. the camera should be here tomorrow or the next day. hopefully, i get somewhere close to an answer by then.