Saturday, December 25, 2021

i'm just retracing my steps, it seems.

does it really keep changing or do i keep finding points to edit? every time i check my notes, it suggests that i'm editing and re-editing, and it's not changing, but it's not sitting well with me.

i gotta fix it. this is a shitty use of my time, but whatever.

it's now updated here, and i have to be clear: the reviews posted here are not final until they're updated to this pdf document and, even so, i might change them.

i have some ideas regarding what's going on. i wonder if somebody else wants to pretend they're me, which is just utterly pathetic, but i think it's happening, nonetheless. i wonder if the book publisher wants to edit the material, and i have to interject - this is not a wikipedia article. you have no grounds to edit a review, that's ridiculous. this is my intellectual property, not yours. and, i wonder even if whoever is spying on me isn't obsessed enough with their conspiracy theories that they think they're countering propaganda.

i'm writing a fucking book, you inbred retards. and, almost nobody is going to read it. ugh.

it's a very frustrating feeling to be convinced that your writing keeps changing, and not be able to prove it. it's disorienting. but, it's also incredibly upsetting.

it's for that reason that i have to just keep plugging at it, because i have to make the same decision, in the case of either possibility. if i just keep missing edits, i have to fix it because it needs editing, clearly; if the writing keeps getting edited by somebody else, i feel a moral responsibility to push against it as hard as i can. 

but, i get the impression that this could go on for a while.

this is a recent update, with many minor punctuation changes (punctuation i don't use keeps appearing), some replaced words (words i never use keep appearing) and a re-ordering of the two pre-foundation pieces, as the context is clearer if i place the imaginary before the hazing (even though the order of publication is reversed).

so, this has been a very painful process, that has required me to read and re-read and correct and sometimes recorrect these posts, but i have a short version to post here:

this has turned out to be time consuming, and i wish i was further ahead, but this is clearly required. what i can say is this: either my initial notes required me to edit them rather substantively (which is not usually the case.) or whomever the fucking idiot is that is editing this requires an editor, themselves.

i don't know if that will stay stable.

if it doesn't, i'll have to fix it again.

for now, note that i'm uploading the specific file, rather than the appendix. i'll upload the appendix eventually as one file when the journal fills in more.

so, that was a wasted week, but it's necessary. so be it.

i'm going to keep at it until i get through it.