i feel this is the best place to post this...
if i actually end up killing myself over the next few weeks, please note the following requests/instructions.
- NO RELIGIOUS CEREMONY. this is extremely important to me. no superstitions in disguise, either. the best way to ensure that you avoid all religion is to just not have a ceremony at all.
- so, no ceremony at all, please.
- i do not want a gravestone or any other physical memorial.
- i don't care what happens to my belongings.
- i would prefer to be composted. if this is not possible, or too expensive, then cremation is the second best option. if it's cheaper to just toss me on some logs, and cook some marshmellows on me then i'd prefer that option; there's no use in supporting the cemetary-industrial complex. no, seriously, just find a cheap way to burn me, i don't give a fuck as long as there's no markings...
- i don't want to be left in an urn or something. not because i particularly care about what happens to the ashes, but because i want all physical memory of me to be abolished.
- i would request that my internet presence not be disturbed. should it look like suicide is imminent, i will contact somebody regarding this.
these are all longterm goals, anyways. i suppose it's useful that they exist somewhere.
it's easy to understand why i don't really care about the details. the key points are:
(1) no religion
(2) no physical place of remembrance
(3) i would like to be recycled as effectively as is cost-efficient.
(4) my online presence must remain undisturbed.