Sunday, August 4, 2013

time to go out


R u comi.g?

Jessica Amber Murray

should i go now?

Lol i sent u like 8 msgs. Yeh im ready

Jessica Amber Murray
they didn't come through....i'll be there in a few minutes...

we decided i should gorge myself with multi-course hintonburger in private and meet up again later

hey u wanna meet like at 8:30 ?

or smtng

8 ?

I forgot to get u to buy smokes. plus I dunno if u wanna play risk.

that's usually when I stop being tired and headachy during the day

Jessica Amber Murray
yeah, i'm good for 8.

or 8:30

don't mattah

Jessica Amber Murray
i'll just be sitting here, so msg me whenever.


yeah you live close.

the hintonburger is a fine meal.

hey jessica

i'm going to the bank and then the lcbo if u wanna come

it'll be fun!

in about 30 minute s

Jessica Amber Murray
actually, i wanna get one last hintonburger in me, so, yeah, i'll go.

what does that have anything to do with that?

i'm confused

are you having a going away party ?

Jessica Amber Murray
well, it's in the same general direction... no going away party...


Jessica Amber Murray

ok, well, i'm having a smoke and then i'm shaving so msg me when you're ready.

i'm ready

been up for 6.5 hours already


practiced piano, went to church, cleaned out my cupboards. I gotta make up for lost time.

Jessica Amber Murray
you said a half hour, that gives me time to smoke and shave. so, i'll msg you in 20-30 minutes then :P


or just come in 20 or 30 minutes

are you gonna get a hintonburger after?

Jessica Amber Murray
i dunno, i'll get there eventually.

K i'm down with getting a corn dog later

Jessica Amber Murray
(to hintonburger eventually. i'll stop by after i shave)

except now i'm officially gluten free. Officially I threw out all the pasta and bread from myhouse.

no more pizza and burger and beer for me

Jessica Amber Murray
you're probably better off cutting out the doritos and cigarettes, but i'm always in support of people making more healthy lifestyle decisions.

no. its because i'm celiac. I don't have the 150 dollars to get tested for it,

but before I had the same symptoms Ive been having, and I cut out the gluten, and the symptoms stopped. but then being "gluten-free" became some sort of yuppie bullshit trend, so I started drinking beer and eating pizza.

Its either i'm celiac or I have colitis.

but like 90% sure its the first one.

And I wont be able to eat doritos either.

Jessica Amber Murray
ok, i'll be there in a few minutes.
Jessica Amber Murray
ok, so what are the logistics regarding monday? it doesn't seem like i'm going to get a ride. i need to get myself and some stuff (it's not a lot of stuff) from here to the truck, somehow. so, my options are as follows: 1) i could take a taxi-van. that's fine, if it's easiest. 2) i could hope nana gets home in time and give me a lift. if not, taxi. 3) the truck could come here first. is it driving by here anyways? 4) the truck could come here second. given that we'd have to take the 417 to at least bayshore, it's pretty much on the way. i'll have everything packed - it'll take 10-15 minutes to get it downstairs and into the truck. any option is fine. obviously, i'd rather avoid paying the cab fare. just let me know what makes sense and what doesn't.


From: "Jessica Murray" <>
To: stepmother’s email address

i'm having trouble finding a ride.

i'm going to try to phone my grandmother again today. she's at her cottage, and it doesn't seem like leo is answering his cell. i know she'll be back on monday, but i'm not sure when. if i get a ride before then, i'll let you know, but it's not likely.

there are a few things that could work, but they all seem to get me there for monday around 5-6. the truck could maybe come here first; i need to get from here to there anyways. i don't know the logistics behind picking my mother up. my grandmother could be back in time. if she's not home by 4:45, i'll call a taxi-van and plan to be there for between 5:30 and 6:00.

...the point being that it doesn't seem likely at this point that i'll be able to get the stuff there before the general moving time.



From: "Jessica Murray" <>
To: <>

i'm just wondering if the minivan is more than the car (with you guys, and in general), and if you do flat rates or everything by the minute?

i need to get a handful of boxes and a table from hintonburg to leitrim, and i'm trying to do it as cheaply as possible.


an empty request, thrown out into the void

can you do me a major favour?

can you drive me to my dad's place tomorrow or monday? whatever time is good for you. well, before 12:00 (noon) on monday.

i need a lift, and nothing's panning out. i just need to get some boxes from here to there.

mmmmmaybe we could get a coffee after.

i'm leaving for windsor monday night.

