Friday, September 16, 2016

season 10 v2 cropped

season 10 v2 shifted

i'm behind on everything. i hope to be caught up by the next sleep.
i had the view count disabled...

57,000? what?

i have 4,000 views on youtube, guys. that's a pretty dramatic difference. you know i have a youtube page, right?

or a bandcamp site? in the description. pinned, even.

i got about 250,000 views with my dtk account over roughly two years (and 40,000 views on youtube). i've got 50,000 k here in almost a year, but only 4,000 views on youtube.  that's half as much traffic, but a tenth of the views.

i get that my vlogs may be less interesting than my music. but, i want you to go to bandcamp to listen. youtube is useless to me, as a musician.

i'm more curious about why i have 60,000 views. what are people coming here for? the political analysis?

ok, you guys know these are only sketches, right? that the real political analysis is in the videos, right? i'm not just reading things verbatim. that is where i have the really interesting discussions of things, not here.

but, on another note? you could try interacting a little bit. i don't bite. well, at least not unless you ask.

(i actually do bite :P)

no, really. 60,000 views but no comments? c'mon. let me know who you are....

i mean, i suppose i could starting posting videos here, but that would be kind of silly, wouldn't it? every day, guys. 12:30 am...