Monday, August 9, 2021

actually - and i had decided this once before - i should read it in this order, then fill in the gaps:

this is based on the ordering suggested by asimov, except i'm strategically adding in short stories collections to fill it out.

i am ignoring asimov's later forays outside of science fiction, altogether.

(i did not read any of the lucky starr series as a kid, and i'm skipping them in this reconstruction. but, they would plug in first)
the early asimov (short stories) <----added
the complete robot (short stories) (1982) + robot dreams + robot visions
the complete stories, volume 1 (short stories) <----added
buy jupiter and other stories (short stories) >----added
the martian way and other stories (short stories) <----added
the bicentennial man and other stories (short stories) <----added
caves of steel (1954) 
the naked sun (1957) 
the robots of dawn (1983) 
robots and empire (1985) 
the currents of space (1952) 
the stars, like dust (1951) 
pebble in the sky (1950) 
prelude to foundation (1988)
forward the foundation (1993)
foundation (1951) 
foundation and empire (1952) 
second foundation (1953) 
foundation's edge (1982) 
foundation and earth (1986)
asimov's mysteries (short stories) <----added
the winds of change and other stories (short stories) <---added
the end of eternity <-----added
the gods themselves <--------added
honey, i shrunk the fantastic voyage II: destination brain <-----added
nemesis <----added

there are some asimov texts published after 1990, but not many. i'll have to skip them, altogether.

or maybe not.

1992 silverberg additions:
- positronic man
- ugly little boy
- nightfall