Sunday, September 26, 2021

so, after getting through 609 pages of robot stories over the last half-week (and slowed down by too much sleep...), how am i feeling about this?

as an adult, i'm finding asimov frustrating - but i realize these are short stories. i mean, i'm getting irritated that the short stories aren't long enough. so, he's doing something right, then - he's leaving me wanting for more. the problem is that i don't think he ever seriously resolves that, and at some point you have to do that.

i stated before i started this that i wasn't going to pretend that asimov was a great writer in the usually accepted sense of the term, but i'm finding it an asset, in a sense. i mean, i'm not looking for greater character development, and i could actually do with a lot less plot. i want him to go more into the philosophical & scientific subtleties, and what i'm getting instead is "sherlock holmes gets a math degree".

so, yeah - these are kids stories. mostly. a few of them aren't, but, broadly, they are - and there's often not much else to it.