Wednesday, January 22, 2020

so, i do think that that's most of what i wanted done tonight, although i can't post to the music blog from here.

i've got the four blogs for december at noise trade, i've got the journal at bandcamp and i've got the links shared to three of the blogs, and also to facebook. that's everything except posting to the music blog.

so, i'm going to take a short nap, and then focus on finishing the remaining eight uploads to noise trade, many of which are quite lengthy. the longest one is 1600 pages and will have a suggested donation of $16.

i need to get a better answer on the pdf conversion, though.

for years, i used a pdf printer, but that is not good enough for this because i need to keep the links in place. so, i've been using this site, but, these files are no longer small. 

this is no longer a one off, this is now a normal thing for me, so, surely, i can find a freeware pdf printer that maintains links and doesn't fuck up the formatting.

after i nap....