Thursday, January 23, 2020

i am awake, for the first time in, like, a week. hooray!

the smoke's better just right this second. somebody find me a hollowed out log to bash my head against.

there was some autocapitalization from facebook (fuckers.) that i had to fix, and that's been replaced, so i'm ready to get back to it, now.

and, i'm hoping that i don't move from in front of these two machines until i get 2013 finished, once and for all.

the plan is to do all of the office work on the windows machine and then upload it to noise trade and bandcamp via the chromebook. this is temporary, because i don't want to deal with broken windows boxes right now. something else i'm remembering about this chromebook is that i have to log in to turn the ad block on, which means typing out a 100 character pass phrase....

first, i need an answer to the pdf problem. surely it's not that hard. surely the right software is out there. i must go forth and look...