Thursday, March 22, 2018


the ban on smoking near buildings is municipal, and windsor is one of the few cities that doesn't have one.

and, smoking out of a window is most like smoking on a balcony, which is not addressed anywhere - and would be difficult to argue.

there's no such thing as a non-smoking building, here. somebody could put it in a lease, but it's non-enforceable. so, i have no choice but to fight.

at the moment, i don't have an actionable complaint; i will no doubt be told to close the window, which i can't/won't do. i need a large amount of fresh air intake into the unit...

i know this is being done to irk me. so, i've done what i can to mitigate, and i'm going to have to wait them out. they don't want to smoke outside, and will eventually stop doing it.