regarding the vlogs...
yes, i'm still vlogging. the major purpose was to document the music, remember. the rest of it is just incidental.
we assume that i get my keys on nov 29th, and everything works out
properly, i should be done finalizing the discography up until about
2004, by then. i'm going to push through until i get to a point where i
need to actually do some more recording. that's about that point - maybe
a little later, maybe more like mid 2005. things start to get less
linear around 2003 until about 2011. this is periods 3 (trivial group)
& 4 (proverbs).
the next thing to do is to catch up on the alter-reality, which is getting a little bit urgent.
order to get back to editing the hundreds of gigabytes of files i have
to edit, i have to fix my main laptop, which fried in an electrical
storm at the end of august. that is going to be my editing machine. and,
i won't get back to doing that until i've caught up on the discography
to a proper point.
i'm also going to be moving, now, so
it makes sense to tie the apartment upgrades i was doing to setting up
the new apartment. and, this won't be the first thing i do, either. i
need bookshelves first, probably.
it probably won't be
by january 1st. but it will happen, eventually. and, i might even decide
to stagger it a year, in the end. it might be kind of intriguing:
alter-reality by 20, vlogs by 1.