Saturday, October 11, 2014

so, the next milestone is this track hitting 300 hits. it's been climbing slowly, but hits are up enough this month that it should be in the next day or two.

speaking of hits being up, i'm sort of afraid to mention it, because the last time i mentioned hits were down, they went way up. if i mention that hits are way up, will they come down? what exactly is going on here?

a few months ago, i pointed out that i was expecting the curve to start rising again in october. but my goal this month was 3000 hits, and i'm currently on track for something closer to 4500. every time it looks like it's going to fall a bit, it rises way higher. my average last month was 98. this month, so far, it's 142. if it keeps at this pace, i don't know what to expect for november - another flat line, an increasing curve or even a peak....?

but, right now, they're up very high leading into the demo switch over. i can only hope they stay that high as i switch gears and i didn't peak in 1996....