Wednesday, October 29, 2014

and, there's my new front page file for the next week....

this track opens my second cassette demo. i had to sneak into my sister's room after school (or skip the second half of the day to come home early) to get access to the synthesizer and metronome. it's a pretty basic recording that cycles mostly around the effects work. it's also the second half of a piece meant to explore extreme mood swings.

audio: inertia (1997)

film: borrowed without permission:

it may be automatic, but the parasite seems to be going through a ritualistic process of mourning. it seems to lovingly caress it's dead host in the process of saying goodbye. yet, it's movements also suggest that it is emotionally crushed by the loss. the sound & images, put together, accomplish that mourning process in a sort of ballet. i found this to be haunting and beautiful.

does love really differ from parasitism?