Tuesday, September 9, 2014

sequencing the fifth record (inri052)

so, the main aim of what i've been doing since february is completing what works out to be my fifth full length record, out of material that was written over the course of 2001 but never completed to my liking due to deficits in the technology that was available to me at the time. i had suspected from the beginning that this would probably be a double and have come to the conclusion this morning that it absolutely must be.

that means i've expanded the scope a little to make the project more encompassing. 85 minute doubles piss me off. if you're going to do a double, fill up both discs! not with filler!

i kind of wanted to do this anyways. the guitar project is now officially aborted, and it really leaves the two remaining tracks as conceptually and musically similar to the other ones. there's also the 9-minute vocal epic, stress, which, while a little different, fits the overall theme of the larger works. it would be incomplete of me to compile this material without including it.

the first half of this is now completed. this is final, in relation to the first disc. the cut-off point is july, 2001 which is only coincidentally the halfway point; what's more important is that it splits the year in half over the summer (with school on either end) and separates a very solo period from a more collaborative one.


1) written late 2000 & early 2001. minor instrumentation changes to facilitate a small wind section were implemented in late april, 2014. live guitars were layered into the final version over may 2014. completed on june 6, 2014. sequenced on sept 9, 2014. 

2) recorded in the first part of 2001. final editing on september 9, 2014.

4) written and recorded, 1999-2001. this file has not been altered from the original.

5) recorded in the first part of 2001. final editing on september 9, 2014.