Tuesday, September 9, 2014

on second thought, it's not going to be a double :P

it's going to be volume 1 and volume 2, with volume 1 sequenced at the end of 2001 and volume 2 sequenced at the end of 2002. the writing period for volume 1 will be jan-nov 2001, whereas the writing period for vol 2 will be aug 2001 to nov 2002 (roughly). this will also allow me to continue with a "one record per year" output formula until '03, where the writing focus shifts to larger works for a few years.

official full lengths are therefore:

1) inri005 (1997-1998)
2) inri007 (1998-1999)
3) inri016 (1999)
4) inri023 (2000)
*5) inri033 (2001)
*6) inri0xx (2002)

the *s are the two jjjjjjjjjjjjj releases, although i may rename the second as it is going to mostly consist of instrumental outtakes and remixes coming from the cynicide/rabit period and the mostly unnamed and uncategorized outtakes that were left unfinished directly after it.

i could see releasing it one day as a double (i could see releasing inri005 and 007 together, too), if i can convince somebody to distribute it. but the conceptual differences are actually quite large and not worth maintaining for the chronological value. vol 1 is mostly "classical" music in the modern context of being infused with jazz, techno and noise. it really only has fragmented, vestigial bits of rock structuring. vol 2 retreats back to a more fully modern leftfield industrial combination of rock, techno and noise and is transitional into the splicing of industrial and post-rock that followed afterwards.

that means the song i've been working on is going to be on volume 2 and the last piece of volume 1 will be the atonal choral piece i'll be working on two further pieces from now. the tracklisting on volume one will remain; the 14 minute choir will just be added to the end, which conveniently takes it right up to almost exactly 80 minutes.