Monday, August 4, 2014

so, i'm done with my strategizing eno warrior plan phase on this. that's phase one. phase two after this gets done. it shouldn't be too long. it's going to rain all day tomorrow, and should clear up by wednesday morning, so i've got the wood day set for wednesday (weather permitting). i should ideally get the bulk of this done before then.

-double guitar in quiet spot, offset
-replay offset stadium riffs (stereo offsets)
-double end riff with fuzzier tone
-end riff on high e
-melodic hardcore riffage as double over the townsend section
-tremolo big melodic hardcore riff
-trep guitar sorts (jangly parts)
-synth oohs
-vocal oohs
-lots of es at end


+live drums on an acoustic or electronic kit?