Tuesday, January 7, 2014

you know....

....just because it's become clear that you can't exploit me further in the future (i'm sorry about that, but i sort of see responsibility as slavery, so your bourgeois shit just ain't gonna fly with me, sister) doesn't mean there's no longer any reason to communicate with me.

unless you're evil, basically.

which i'm trying to hold out hope against. it's just that, by continually being evil, you're not helping your case.

i know: the world is evil. you're basically screwed unless you conform to it. see, that's why it's so important to avoid evil people, though. there's basically two options: conform to the evil society around us, or avoid evil by becoming a hermit. i instantly fail at the first choice, so i'm left with the second.

see, its not that i'm blaming people, though. not exactly. i don't have the time, energy or interest to blame people. i just can't risk dealing with the consequences of their behaviour any further. evil people can go be evil far away from me...

so, yeah. ignoring me because you can't gain anything from me is positively evil. no, it is. it's pretty normal, maybe. fine. it's still evil. and you're supposed to be better than that.
