Tuesday, January 7, 2014


"you know, if you're really not interested then you could always drop out."
"no, actually, i can't."
"sort of. not really. it's either school or work, and i can't find a job so i'm stuck at university until...."
"....well, if your interest level doesn't pick up..."
"...actually, i'm hoping i'll finally get a call back from one of the local coffee shops, soon."


"who is paying for this?"
"the state, mostly."
"do you think that's..."
"i told you what my options are. right now, it reduces to school or homelessness. i'd rather be in a government training program for something working class than solving algebraic equations because it's about the only thing i can find in this place that i don't think is absolute bullshit. take it up with the government. it's their policies that put a massive focus on education."
"yeah. i see what you mean. i've just never seen anything like this, or at least anybody so honest about it."
"it's right out of a kafka novel. but if things don't change, i think it might become normal. university is quickly becoming the place that apathetic young people are forced to go to when they're not able to find a job, rather than a place people go to to advance their goals and ambitions. it's on the brink of becoming a form of social welfare. that kind of dystopia serves nobody."
"you won't reconsider?"
"i have no future here."

*end phone call from academic adviser*

i'm sort of a space cadet. that just got thrown back at me while splicing some wave files.