Monday, December 20, 2021

i've re-ordered this substantively.

we'll get there with this, in the end.

the essential asimov

book I: the substantive robot. 
 (story is about the slow humanization of robots. includes some multivac stories. set before robot novels.)
- it's such a beautiful day
- the fun they had
- jokester
- all the troubles of the world
- franchise
- key item
- someday
- robot al-76 goes astray  
- the feeling of power
- light verse
- robbie
- runaround
- reason
- catch that rabbit
- liar!
- satisfaction guaranteed
- lenny
- galley slave
- little lost robot
- risk
- escape!
- evidence
- the evitable conflict
- feminine intuition
- ...that thou art mindful of him
- the bicentennial man

(the positronic man may enter here, but i'm apprehensive about the silverberg texts)

book II: baley sequence (robot novels written before 1980)
- caves of steel
- the naked sun
- mirror image  

book III: giskard sequence (robot novels written after 1980)
- the robots of dawn
- robots and empire

book IV: empire series
- the stars, like dust
- currents of space
- pebble in the sky

book V: gap texts. short stories relevant to asimov's broader universe. should be read here. loosely organized.
a: appendix to the robot novels & empire series
- trends
- heredity
- not final! + victory unintentional 
- mother earth
- green patches
- hostess
- in a good cause
- shah guido g  
- sucker bait
- living space
- each an explorer 
- strikebreaker
- profession
- founding father
b: appendix to foundation series
- black friar of the flame
- homo sol
- the imaginary
- the hazing
- death sentence
- blind alley
- breeds there a man
- c-chute

book VI: foundation novels
- ...

book VII: unrelated short stories of value
- the weapon too dreadful to use
- half-breed 
- the secret sense
- nightfall
- super-neutron
- no connection
- red queen's race
- youth
- the martian way
- the deep
- sally
- kid stuff
- the immortal bard
- dreaming is a private thing
- the dead past
- the dying night
- the watery place
- let's get together
- the gentle vultures
- the ugly little boy
- eyes do more than see
- segregationist
- 2430 ad / the greatest asset
- the winnowing
- old fashioned
- marching in
- too bad


- callistan menace
- ring around the sun
- the magnificent possession
- half-breeds on venus
- history
- christmas on ganymede
- time pussy
- the endochronic properties of resublimated thiotimiline
- the little man on the subway
- legal rites
- darwinian poolroom
- day of the hunters
- what if
- button, button 
- monkey's finger
- nobody here but-
- flies
- everest
- the micropsychiatric applications of thiotimoline
- the pause
- foundations of sf success
- lets not 
- the last trump
- the message
- hell-fire
- first law
- gimmick's three
- the last question
- the author's ordeal
- blank
- does a bee care?
- i'm in marsport without hilda
- insert knob a in hole b
- spell my name with an s
- i just make them up, see
- silly asses
- buy jupiter
- the uptodate sorcerer
- a statue for father 
- unto the fourth generation
- rain, rain go away
- rejection slips
- thiotimoline and the space age
- what is this thing called love
- the machine that won the war
- my son, the physicist
- author! author!
- prime of life
- exile to hell
- the proper study
- waterclap
- take a match
- thiotimoline to the stars 
- stranger in paradise
- the life and times of multivac
- a boy's best friend
- point of view
- birth of a notion
- tercentenary incident
- think!
- true love
- christmas without rodney
- robot dreams
- robot visions

uncatalogued until last:
- marooned off vesta  - asimov's mysteries
- the weapon
- belief  - winds of change
- the singing bell - asimov's mysteries
- the talking stone asimov's mysteries
- what's in a name - asimv's mysteries
- pate de foie grras - asimov's mysteries
- dust of death - asimov's mysteries
- a loint of paw - asimov's mysteries
- ideas die hard - winds of change
- anniversary - asimov's mysteries
- obituary - asimov's mysteries
- star light - asimov's mysteries
- the key - asimov's mysteries
- the billiard ball - asimov's mysteries
- the dream - ?
- benjamin's dream - ?
- party by satellite - ?
- benjamin's bicentennial blast - ?
- half-baked publisher's delight - ?
- heavenly host - ?
- big game- ?
- about nothing-  winds of change
- good taste - winds of change
- to tell at a glance - winds of change
- sure thing - winds of change
- found - winds of change
- fair exchange - winds of change
- nothing for nothing - winds of change
- how it happened - winds of change
- it is coming - winds of change
- the last answer - winds of change
- for the birds - winds of change
- death of a foy - winds of change
- the last shuttle - winds of change
- a perfect fit - winds of change
- ignition point - winds of change
- lest we remember -winds of change
- winds of change - winds of change
- one night of song - winds of change
- hallucination
- feghoot & the courts
- left to right
- the fable of the three princes
- the smile of the chipper
- the instability 
- good-bye to earth 
- fault intolerant
- in the canyon
- kid brother
- gold
- cal
- prince delightful and the flameless dragon
- frustration