Sunday, November 21, 2021

just a reminder that i'm keeping this going, as well, which is a change:

if it goes according to plan, you're looking at about 52 texts/year, almost all novels. i do need to catch up - i'm in fall 1989 and should be in fall, 1991. but, that should add up to about 350 novels by the time i get back to the alter-reality proper in 2026.

as mentioned repeatedly, this is a caricature. i didn't read every single asimov text before i turned 10, but i'd read a fair amount before i turned 12. i need to get a lot of stuff in, though, and it's not going to all be science fiction, although it will for the first bit.

i'm going to keep this going all the way forward, as well, and it will branch out, but this is how i'm starting.