Monday, November 22, 2021

i was doing daily updates on this before i stopped to get a directory structure in, but i'm realizing i want to get the site structure up, first. i mean, the iso won't be done until i catch up in the alter-reality, anyways.

this is the first payhip iso, to the first flac dvd collection, inriℵ0, inri000-inri014:

as mentioned a few times, the idea here is that this is a purchasable torrent. i know - i've been there. you find an older artist, with a large discography, and you want to explore it all at once. i downloaded swans torrents in the 90s, cardiacs torrents in the 00s, zappa torrents at one point, crimson torrents, puppy torrents, etc. that's an elite club, but i do belong in it in terms of size and diversity of my discography. i understand that a younger person stumbling on to this that wants to really delve into it won't be satisfied with an introduction or a compilation - they'll want it all, right away.

i didn't have the money to buy full discographies, but it's often been mentioned that the technology isn't keeping up to people's tastes. i understand the music-as-subscription model, but it's not relevant to truly independent artists. it's a pop culture concept. if you reject music as fashion, it makes no sense, and has no relevance. i'm a consumer, too, and that's really not at all what i'd want; i'd find it lacking in the material i'm interested in, and just find myself bombarded with pop culture norms that i don't care about.

what i'd want is to be able to download everything all at once, and this is a big step in that direction. it's not everything - not yet. but, it's the first in a collection of flac dvds that will be comprehensive.

the payhip site will be flac only. if you want another format, that is what bandcamp is very good at doing. but, beyond the full discography option, bandcamp isn't allowing for larger download options. again - it wants to push single track downloads for a pop market, which misunderstands it's own purpose. truly independent music is always going to focus on more than five minute (or 2-3 minute, i guess) pieces of music, and bandcamp is in many ways the last refuge of the album concept.

the price tag is high, but look at what you're getting -  15 catalog releases, and 14.5 hours worth of music in lossless flac format. i didn't have that option in the 90s. i couldn't have afforded it anyways, but maybe i would have paid for it, if i could have. 

so, this is the presentation of the missing abstraction that torrent downloaders always used as an excuse. "i can't just download all of it legally.". and, they couldn't. online stores had to deal with artists that signed competing record contracts with different labels, for instance. artists didn't want to make out of print material available, or couldn't due to licensing rules. if you wanted everything all at once, torrents were your only choice.

well, i just took away your excuse - and especially if you're a grown-up kid, now.

you have to pay the artists, if you like their work, or they'll starve. i don't like markets or piecemeal compensation, either - i want a ubi, and i want to just give this away for free, but i can't have one, yet. i mean, look at the time i have to waste trying to sell things. but, if you want to torrent me, if that's how you like to consume music, as i admit i do myself, now you can do it legally, instead.