Friday, September 10, 2021

so, here's my notes...

- i got lost trying to fix specific items in the diet matrix and have completely lost my train of thought, but i know i wanted to start with a line-by-line and recheck everything, anyways. the fruit bowl was essentially finished, while the afternoon meal was missing key nutrients. starting next week or soon after, i'm going to want to post a new update every day that includes complete run downs of each of the items in the matrix, starting with vitamin a1, which was retinol. the ambiguities i was dealing with will come out in the wash.


so, yeah - i'm in a recursion with this.

i was updating the data for valine when i realized fluoride data was wrong, which sent me back to the start, and i went off on a tangent....

right now, the first task in the recursion is to build the dtk & travels blogs up over 2020, until i get back to september, when i'm going to pick up on a number of parallel builds.

- teeth got put aside. there's one pocket that's full of decayed filler and probably needs to be cleared to reattach. i had decided to let the hydroxyapatite and the antibiotics work a little before i started considering the potential ramifications of a deep cleaning (which will damage the teeth in order to save them). but, i didn't initially realize that the brown spots were previous filler, and i wanted to wait until i got the iron issue dealt with before i looked at the antibiotics. the next appointment is at the end of september, and i'd have to argue that the situation has stabilized but not gotten much better. the cleaning routine i've brought in  (dish soap, daily fluoride baths) has kept my teeth very, very clean, but the crowding is getting worst, and i suspect that's the ultimate cause of the gum recession. i am at least convinced i don't have any cavities and i don't have gum disease, but i don't know what the best approach to trying to rebuild the gumline is. i think it's best that i wait to talk at the end of september, and try to figure out what i can do about these teeth coming in behind my gumline, that seem to be pushing the aligned ones out. enough of the previous filler may have also ground down to allow for a second application, without needing to drill. again - they could get the brown out, but only by drilling into healthy teeth and covering over it, and the last dentist i saw (the one that actually realized what was happening) agreed with me that that would be daft. but, i mean, i want to fix the brown eventually, too...

i have mostly kept up with the c, and my c levels were saturated. my b9 levels were off the chart, and should have come down with the removal of beets, but i haven't tested since.

- right now, the court stuff is mostly on hold, but let me look at that when i get back from the surgery. for right now, i should wait until the mediation with the karen completes before escalating further.

- first diet document dated to jan 30th

- was rebuilding blogs with the diet document, start again in 2013. need to properly file computer for this purpose - yes, that's...ok. this is why i'm doing this. so, the filing is the fundamental task for both weekend and weekday activities.

- switch to generic estrogen at end of january

- first pandemic document dated to feb 8th

- kept pushing further and further back until i went to the start. will rebuild documents as i move forwards.

ok, so i can't do a brute force hack on the pasta bowl or the eggs and i don't want to do a final run for the fruit bowl. i've got too many loose threads open and i'm just totally unravelling. how do i reweave myself back into some semblance of coherence?

i was building liner notes, and i stopped to fix my diet - thinking it would take a few days to build. six months later, and i'm reaching a conclusion, but need to move on.

i realized my fluoride data totals were wrong, and went to backtrack to fix them. in the process, i decided i'd make a final fruit bowl post because i was almost done and set about compiling it. but, then i wanted to build a book documenting the entire saga. but, then i decided i wanted to build a book documenting my comments on the pandemic. and, i kept going further back, until i decided to go back to the start...

- iron issues start mar 9th

- mar 15th;

these are the following draft posts that will be finished simultaneously:

- a clean-up post for the fluoride, because i caught some arithmetic errors.
- a total amino acid post where i combine all of the existing amino acid posts and the still to be written ones into a major update in the chart, which more or less takes me to the end of this
- a complete fruit bowl post where i post everything
- the document at google drive, which is being compiled at the one drive site

there are four further unpublished posts that have to do with the 2013 rebuild.

was also working on the payhip uploads, had to stop at the aleph-disc. need liner notes, first. so, need blog completion phase, first - including alter-reality.

- blog items list:

- started on karen document may 15th

- mar 17th

so, those unexpected reboots. i don't know what the idiots are trying to do, but it's often frustrating in terms of losing trains of thought. and, i'm going to construct that, now.

- i was going through from sept 24th, 2018 ----> now and rebuilding the four blogs, along with several side documents at one drive.
- but, i wanted to go through and understand what files may have been removed, if any. so, i rewound back to early 2018 and was reading through them, forwards.
- i decided i can probably build the dtk blog up as i do that. at least.
- but i needed to go back and reread the components i added to each of the vlogs to understand what should and shouldn't be added.

i was going through the travel blog when the machine rebooted. and, this is why i'm not using my normal pcs to connect to the internet.

- mar 26th previous attempt at this:

- mar 29th previous:

- mar 30th was aleph-0. wanted to build html front-end, but wanted to update existing liner notes.  went back to update to double check, got lost. some concept of aleph-0 should update as i get through quintuple check on first reconstruction phase (but then it's done). need to test html frontend with updates (typo fixes) as well. can compare. time to winlite windows 7 for laptop? virtual machine?

- mar 30th:
tiktok site?

- april 3rd:
there's apparently all kinds of files missing on my backup drive...


i thought i left it in good order; it's in total disarray.

i know i had deleted some files i wanted to replace, but i've lost my train of thought around it.

i really do have to start from scratch, now.

what that means is that i don't see the point in doing these aleph discs yet - i'm just going to have to redo it all because some of the liner notes need to be rewritten.

so, i'm going to have to take a step back, and i'm skipping everything else and going right back to 2013/2014 first. once i get those items fixed, i can finish the frontends properly and go from there. they should hopefully be minor changes.

and, i have to do this first - i've put it off for far too long.

that means everything is on hold until i finish this, but it should hopefully not be too long.

...everything except the alter-reality. i need to start that next friday.

- april 3rd: 
so, going back to the july music journal.....

- the master document, which includes all files related to the journal, is dated to mar 31, 2019
- the bandcamp archive is dated to april 14, 2019
- the deathtokoalas file is dated to april 14, 2019 - and has apparently not been touched at all since
- there is a pdf for the politics blog dated to april 27, 2019 but the word document is dated to aug 14, 2020
- the blogs.7z file, which includes the blogs saved to html format, is dated to aug 22, 2019 - which is wrong. i never updated it. i can be sure of that. i need to do that.
- the smashwords upload of the music and politics journals are dated to june 6 & 7, 2020, which is right after the noise trade site shut down.
- my most recent download of the bandcamp archive is dated to july 27, 2020 but probably includes updates from the other blogs (travel blog, etc)
- the music journal document, travel blog document and politics document are all dated august 14, 2020, but there is no pdf for the music journal or the travel blog

so, if i were to take that at face value, it would suggest that i left three of the four blogs in an unfinished state, possibly because i updated them, but didn't move those updates into the other files.

the first thing i need to do is make sure that the complete archive is the same as the master document and i can do that fairly quickly in notepad++. quickly that i'm already done. good. so, that means i haven't added anything to or deleted anything from that section of the master document since mar, 2019.

now, i need to rewind all four of the blogs that are online to the start of each of them in july, 2013 and make sure each is complete relative to what i want them to be, while cross-referencing the master document on the other machine. when that is done, i'll be able to close the july portion of the blog and move to august.

- was trying to update the liner notes to add to the aleph, but had to file computer, first

- reposted july docs on april 6th. went to file correctly, filed whole computer instead. 
- never got to august, which needs to be where i started with the weekly

- apr 18th:

yeah, so that's what i'm doing this morning, if i can stay awake - i need to get back to organizing the pc, and then to finalizing the journal for august, 2013.

- i need to organize the pc before i can get to working on period 3 over the weekend, and that's very soon. next week, potentially.
- i need to organize the pc and get the master document up before i can focus on the blogging section, which is the weekly task
- and, i wanted to scour documents before i got back to the alter-reality

the landlord and i decided that if we're going to defrost the fridge then we should do it at the end of the month. so, i'm going to put cleaning on that side on hold until then.

let's hope i can get something done this morning.

- spent some time copying data to pc, organizing it
- pc has odd issue causing reboots, gave up on perfecting it, decided to be pragmatic
- only installing programs required for recording, one at a time

- april 28th:

i'm less sleepy tonight, and making progress on the filing.

let's remember why i'm doing this.

so, i finished the july, 2013 archive and went to file it, but realized i couldn't do it because my filing apparatus was all in disorder. i then realized that in order to get the filing apparatus back in order, i'd have to get the laptop back up, but i can't do that until i get the filing apparatus back in order. ack.

so, i went through all of the loose media i have, copied it all over to the music pc and now need to put it all where i needs to be. then, i can build a copy of the laptop's backup drive, and then i can file the july archive and move on to the august one.

in the process, i should be able to build the alter-reality as well as get the machine in order for inri075.

...which means a reinstalll of the disc is imminent.

if i can sort through and finalize the material from mid 2003 to mid 2006 before i face another disruption, that's serious progress.

i guess my system started collapsing in mid 2015, and i've long concluded that i only have marginal control over it - that somebody basically doesn't want me on the internet, and doesn't care if they have to ruin my tools in order to do it. i mean, i'd guess i'm dealing with the kind of people that reject the concept of art as vocation. the idea that i'm just an artist seems incomprehensible to them - i must be working for somebody. so, they just want me offline, and all they interpret this gear as is as a means to corrupt the youth. and, they just want to listen in, and they don't care how badly they have to screw all the signals up in order to do it.

have i shaken them yet? i might never....

but, it means i have this giant pile of electronics that the cia has rendered inoperable in a flatly stupid attempt to shut me down and that i'm going to have to slowly try to salvage.

one thing at a time. i can connect to the internet using the chromebook, and i need to get the recording pc up. i'm minus a stick of ram and will want to replace it soonish; it looks like concerts are probably cancelled for the year, so the next thing to spend money on is replacement parts for all the gear that was broken. the windows 98 pc is working, as well. and, finally building the 64-bit pc is no longer a distant task, but coming up when i work on the matlab project.

i'm not going to replace the backlight on the laptop as it's too risky, but i'll need to reimage the laptop with a customized windows 7 to rip out all of the networking apps, so they can't slave the machine.

slowly. slowly....


- last diet updates:

- was working on dirty diet run through over mid may before rewinding to 2013

diet update post:

- may 19th:

i mean, i initially couldn't do the time division thing because i had to file the computer, first. it was a huge bottleneck..

but, if i'm doing the diet before i rewind back to 2013, i can click into the schedule, immediately. 

and, i'm going to have to start here and reread forwards, for friday:

Sunday, May 23, 2021
so, i spent the morning filing and tried to stop to nap before i ate, and then eat before i napped, and it ended up a confusing mess, but i think i got enough sleep to carry forward for the night, so long as the air quality in here doesn't degrade too badly.

the guy is supposed to be gone, but his replacement cop and/or daughter and/or mother seems to be up there instead, and she's the actual source of both the smoke and the other smells and the vicious a/c. i actually asked him to turn the a/c off before he left; so much for that, huh? it's freezing in here :(.

the guy i interface with is broadly reasonable, but this woman that fills in for him is a horrible, self-centered piece of shit that should be dragged through the streets attached to the back of a car.

i know this person is female because i can hear them and because i can smell them - they smell like a female, and not in a good way. but, they smoke, so they have no idea. again - it's the worst undercover cop in the history of the world, which i suppose is why she does these substitute roles.

i mean, we all remember how bad the substitute teachers were. imagine substitute stakeout cops. 

"officer malone is gone, parrrrtaaaayyyy!"

and, i'm only slightly exaggerating. she seems to be entirely retarded, and that seems to be roughly her level of operation.

so, because she cranked the air up as soon as he left (despite repeated requests to not do that and...why would somebody pay to run an a/c in an empty room? that alone makes it obvious somebody is up there.), i had to start filling in the baseboard cracks with sealer to stop the place from condensing up. i'm also going to go in the next few days and get some vinyl mats for that corner. and, we'll take it from there for the next round.

if i can potentially get through this stack of cds by the end of the night, i'd consider that massive progress.

may 24th:

alright, so i got through one stack of cds and all of the cassettes, save one, and i'm deciding to go ahead and reinstall rather than continue filing because i have to to archive the cassette. there have been some minor hardware changes that will require updating the script, but i guess i'll have to just deal with it.

this machine has been in a broken state for years, as i spent a very long time troubleshooting what i decided in the end was an environmental signals problem. so, i ripped everything to do with the windows xp subsystem out and just finished the last mixes i was dealing with over asio drivers. and want to put it back, now.

i simply don't know what the signals are like down here, and am long overdue to find out.

the install is automated but it's lengthy so that's likely the morning.

- then focused on cleaning and installing the tarps

- finished downloading emulators for old hardware for 16-bit machine:

june 4th:
ok, so i've got the machine installed, finally. i still have some filing to do, though.

i need a nap...

june 8th:
alright. so, i don't really want to troubleshoot this machine, but i unfortunately have to as it keeps freezing, and i'm not convinced it's hardware. i simply don't know what the problem is.

there were some periodic freezing issues back in 2015 that i thought was ram, but i'm no longer convinced is. there were also base issues with chipset drivers when i first bought the machine, years ago.

what i'm going to do is reinstall the machine in the most minimal way possible - just the programs integrated on the disc + the drivers for the most minimal hardware configuration possible. and, then i'll bring things in further as i need them, rather than all at once and carefully observe what happens.

i suspect i may need to reprogram the board again like i did in 2014. why do i have to keep reprogramming the board, pigs?

the reality is that there's a lot of software on here that i barely use and that the next phase is not going to be heavy on things like vst synths so much as it's going to be about guitars, actual hardware (like drum heads) and abstract sound design. so, i shouldn't get caught up in getting all of these virtual vstis to work, because i'm probably not going to use them much anyways.

and, once i'm convinced that i've found the problem, i can rerun the script again.

and, before i do that, even, i should run chkdsks on all four drives in the machine.

it might be bad sata cable or something stupid like that, but i have to strip it right down  to figure it out.



so, what i wanted to do was organize everything perfectly and completely (i've never been diagnosed with ocd, really) before i got back to recording, so everything was perfectly functioning and i could just quickly get through everything. yes, it would require some time invested upfront, but it would be with the payoff of efficiency as i went.

as the machine has some kind of unknown problem, that's not actually feasible. instead, i should do a quick and rough organization upfront and file things as i go - which means i can be back to work within a day or two, but will need to stop frequently to reorganize, until i'm done.

i have to adjust. so be it.

so, i'm going to take the audigy back out (soundblaster installs are just loaded with bloated  drivers, and it's a perfectly plausible cause), disconnect the front panel (i'm not using it) and even unplug the blu-ray burner (which was added years after i constructed it) to start.

i'm also going to hold up on the deletion script, for the reason that the machine is no longer on the internet so i don't have to worry about locking it down as hard as i did. the machine will still run faster with as much of windows taken out as is possible, but i'm going to slow down and take things out one piece at a time.

and, i'm just going to get right to it, so i'm back in order for the weekend, which is the schedule i want to click in to.

i have every reason to think i'll be able to get back to normal rebuilding on monday, and to the alter-reality not this friday but next friday. and, if i'm productive, i can hopefully get tons of stuff done by labour day.

posts about new (old) releases:

- need to sync & file hard drive with external drives

- june 15th:

so, i'm going to create a separate blog just as a timeline for release dates.

this will replace the facebook page, which will be shut down relatively soon.

i'm a good chunk of the ways done what i was doing.

there's a lot of data....

june 25th:
- updated timeline release  [had spent week working on period 3.1]

- cleaning took a lot of time this summer....

release timeline: 
- had worked backwards to the end of 2018  (the 12/2013 journal), started adding special categories - houses, gear. started buying gear. left off there. did i get all the gear in?
- check all files on hard drive, search by date

july 1st

so, the next thing is getting back to filing my drive. i think. let me double check that. i think i put it aside about a week ago to do the sealing.

see, i wanted to finish filing first and then do the sealing after, but i was running out of time to do it, so i had to do the sealing first, and now it's taken about a week to finish cleaning. the last music post was june 23rd.

so, yeah, that's right - now i need to get back to filing. but, i actually want to take a good run through the facebook page first and see if i can build the alternate releases blog up. so, i'm going to fast forward the alter-reality to today and then we'll do the running around on friday and saturday.

- last blood test update:

july 10th:

so, i've been rebuilding that releases archive again all night and listening to a few things. i've got pictures of all the places i lived at up (i think this is relevant.) and the places i went to school at (i'm going to have some essays posted there, too), as well as most of the original release cycle back to 1996. i want to get that done before i stop.

july 11th:

so, i'm up to 777 posts and still have hundreds (thousands.) left to go, bhut i got the heavy lifting done for the part of the discography which was redone the most number of times, which is the part from 1996 to early 1999 (the first two demos and subsequent first two lps).

- started updating gear about july 10th, was focus for next month

- gear posts:

july 15th:

so, i was offline all day today and i got a very large amount of filing done in the process, which was a bit out of order but a productive act, nonetheless.

so, i'm going to try to upload some temp mixes of the interplanetary isomorphism, as well as some temp mixes of xenophanes tonight.

july 30th:

so, i also picked up some c-clamps and a sanding block at home depot yesterday, and have some glue coming in the mail.

i grabbed a few more books as well, including some bradbury, which is relevant for the alter-reality.

is this going to work? i think it should.

i want to actually start writing this weekend. and, how am i going to do this? i wanted to started in 2019 and do it in real-time...

the real-time portion of the blog doesn't really get interesting until about 1993 or 1994, but i still wanted to be clicked into it by now.

if i do monthly entries every week, i can catch up by early 2022. i guess i got my first electric guitar around early 1992, so that's a reasonable catch up point.

and, these little asimov and bradbury tests can be read by an adult in an afternoon.

i needed to do the filing on the main computer before i got back to recording, and i'm actually pretty close.

and, if i can get back to the blogging process on monday, i guess i'm getting back to the diet, first.

i need to look over the last few weeks and refocus, but i think i stopped in mid-june.

july 31st:

ok, where was i?

it's saturday night (31st).

- i slept in until the afternoon today and haven't done anything
- yesterday was a short day that never got started. the one thing i did do was clean the fridge, a little more. or, try to, anyways.
- thursday, i got out to get some bloodwork, bought some books, got some clamps
- tuesday & wednesday were spent looking at the takeharu guitar
- monday, i went to get the mic stand, and got some books
- sunday was a kind of a down day
- saturday (24th) was a running around day, and i got the takeharu, the bottom of the vox (video coming...) and the mini xylophone
- most of last week (18th-23rd)) was spent sorting through kijiji, etc ads and also in researching gear
- 17th, these were uploaded, and i started working on a big post about the old gear i had and how to replace it.
- on the 16th, i uploaded a rough mix of the lost symphony to the trivial group lp as a placeholder, uploaded some rough xenophanes mixes, bought a microcasette, did some orange testing...
- on the 15th, i was looking at dna sequencing and spent a lot of time filing the recording machine
- on the 14th, i decided to get a pignose when i went in to get the mini vox (and didn't, yet)
- i got a mini vox and a mini orange to go with the mini ms-2
- on sunday morning / monday night (11/12th), i started adding gear to the alter-reality page, which included a ms-2 mini marshall amp and i started researching mini-amps for period 3 recording...
- friday the 9th was back to alter-reality, 
- the rest of the week was spent looking at blood tests, genetics, shopping online & cleaning./
- i got some more bloodwork on the 5th
- i stopped filling in the blog on monday morning (the 4th)
- the bookcase (required to access cds for reviews) came in on the 2nd
- on the 1st, i decided july would be extremely productive and continued transferring the facebook page to the new blog, which was my friday project


i don't want to buy anything else until i can get some tickets to toronto for the orchiectomy.

and, because i think we're going back into lockdown, i need to take advantage of this time window as best i can. so, i need to call on tuesday and get this booked.

right this minute, i need to start my first post in the alter-reality and take it from there. then, i'm going to want to finish that gear replacement post. it's the end of the month, so i need to clean - although this is being bottlenecked by the fridge. and, i can get back to the blog clean-up, maybe, early in the week.

again, this is the intent:

- friday: alter-reality
- sat--->mon: period 3 recording
- tues--->thurs: liner note rebuild (and general writing workthrough)

the last diet update was on may 19th.

is this too much work?

i think so, yes.

but, i'm stuck...i have to just hit it head on and see what happens.

so, i was hoping to approach the alter-reality in a more ordered manner, but it's not going to be possible due to the disgusting fridge, that i may have to take him to court over. and, i'm apparently stuck inside until next spring, at the earliest. so, let's just try to catch up...

july kind of sucked in terms of productivity, although i got a lot of gear that i'll make good use of. let's make august the most productive month ever, instead.

old music list:

i'm starting in 1989, though.

what of that was relevant to me?

not much. some rem. some u2. that gowan record. tears for fears. actually, i loved that klf record...

beatles, yes; genesis, floyd, crimson...not yet.

that also seems to be a somewhat sanitized version of the list. the next oldest version i have is from 2001, and it has a lot more stuff that i didn't include....things like bryan adams cassettes.

we'll do this next week.

this week is just going to be an introduction.

aug 1

ok, so that took far longer than intended, but i've got my template down:

the mechanism is that i'm writing in a little book, and i find it somewhere and scan it. hence, the lines - and the trouble i'm taking to line the writing up.

here's the trick - i used a 12 line image because that's when it starts to overlap, but even that will only take me so far before i need to reset. it's like a calendar - you need a leap year every four years to make up for the measurement error. but, i posted many test posts to make sure that the cycle resets on a new post, so long as i post it with a title.

i'll have to keep an eye on it and make adjustment if necessary but i think this is sufficient.

i just want to finish the template, and then i'll upload it for anybody, as i think this is useful and am happy to share it.

this will run from 1989-1996, and is intended as a preface - these are childhood year notes, from before i did any recording. the alter-reality will run from 1996-2013 and occupies the actual writing phase. and, current reality runs from 2013-death and is the cleanup and finish phase.

this is the best document for me to use to try to triangulate the things i was influenced by at that age, as the radio & television set were by far the biggest influences on me:

aug 5

i spent the last few days building the gear part of the releases blog for the basement on hilliard, and will have a "replacement" post coming soon.

- most of august was spent dealing with pre and post surgery issues

aug 9:
asimov list:

aug 10

so, i was working on that replacement process so long that i forgot what i was doing before.

i've spent most of what i won. so, i need to make sure i get the operation done first 0 that was the point, after all.

i need to finalize the plan with the shuttle service, first.

aug 12:

i stopped some time in early july and started focusing on finding cheap gear for the period 3 rebuild. i do remember clearly that i was doing an alter-reality rebuild on the blogger timeline and entered the ms-2 as an entry. that got me wondering about other miniamps, and it went off from there.

and, i think the thing i was doing was filing the pc, and i even think i was almost done.

but, i'm going to do a quick throwback to earlier in the year and just read through the blog and go from there. i'll take notes. and, i should be back into the schedule i devised very soon.

- write travel updates from june 15th on based on vlogs
- do reviews of new gear,. based on last gear update post: