Wednesday, September 29, 2021

so, i had to fix some typos in the alter-reality. 

i want to keep on top of that.

i need to do an archive run, next - and i might only barely get to the retinol update by tomorrow night. but, it's necessary to properly calibrate.
another one:
the only way you're going to see me perform in front of an audience is if you help me find the right kind of drummer:

i'm not delusional - i know this is unlikely.

but, i don't want to sit in front of an audience with a guitar plugged into a laptop that's playing 40 tracks at a time, as i strum along.

just go to my bandcamp site, instead:
so, i got a little lost doing this instead:

i couldn't get the file to print in line, and i tried everything. so, what i had to do instead was grab screenshots and paste them together...

that means i need to keep a running total to prevent it from being a giant job, in the end.

now, i need to eat.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

this was a picture of me taken yesterday.

as you can see, the drugs are working.

and, i'd like to keep it that way.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

ok, so that's put aside now until next week.
so, here's the post:
if i wasn't clear, i'm keeping track of these over here:

so, the complete robot (+) is now up.

i'll link to it in the journal write-up, but remember - i'm eight years old in the journal.
just, complete and utter white trash.

so, don't get confused when i tell you i can't stand the genre.
and, of course, she had something like paradise city blaring from her stereo, when i'm trying to come back inside.

there was nobody else in there with her - just drunk & pregnant by herself, with g 'n' r blaring from the speakers, feeling more guilty and more lonely with every sip.
there are going to be lots of stories like this as i go through this.
so, i'm going to lose the whole weekend. that's fine for just right now, the problem is the inability to stay awake, and if i can get my hormones under control, that should resolve.

i'm feeling better, certainly. 

next up is the write up for the alter-realty and this is actually going to be a bit of a heavy post. i spent all of the time reading up on robots because i was in the hospital suffering from a concussion!

this is a true story: my alcoholic & pregnant mother threw me out of the house at the age of eight so she could drink & smoke without me tattling on her to my stepfather. see i was smart enough to know that beer and cigarettes hurt babies, and she actually even knew i was smart enough. so, i was ordered to go platy outside away from the house. like, away from the house away from the house - she sat at the door and yelled at me to go further down the street, and then sat on the street and kept yelling.

i didn't have an actual friend in my age group in the world, so i went for a walk looking for kids to talk to.

i found some older kids and tagged along with them, before i found myself in a clearing in the forest, and one of them thought it was funny to push me off a "cliff" (it was more like a hill, but there was about a ten foot drop), and i smashed my head on a large rock.

they ran off. i had no idea who they were or where they lived.

so, i stumbled what was about a twenty minute walk home and tried to come inside, where i was met by my shitfaced & pregnant mother, who demanded i leave the house. she had probably chugged a 40 of vodka in an attempt to get insta-drunk, because i couldn't have explained to her that the house was on fire. and, yes - i was aware she was drinking. it was a friday night, and tony was gone for the weekend. my dad was about to pick me up for the weekend. so, i guess she had decided to start early.

as it was, i was bleeding and barely able to stay awake. i did not know enough to stay alert, either. i knew my dad was going to be there within a few hours, so i decided i'd try to nap on the steps. but, my mom came out and shooed me off the steps in a drunken, pregnant mess - and in fact in an angry, belligerent and borderline violent one.

i ran around the back, or at least i tried to. in fact, i could barely walk and i failed a couple of times, before making it into a little back yard and hiding behind some large plants. thankfully, my mom had the blinds closed, or she would have chased me out of there, too.

and, i sat down and went to sleep - because i didn't know any better.

my dad found me back there and, realizing i was unresponsive, took me to emergency. when they woke me up - using drugs, to stop me from passing into a coma - i didn't know where i was, what my name was..

nana was at the hospital. even tony was there. nobody knew where my mom was for days. in hindsight, she was probably passed out somewhere on heroin.

so, i'm going to have to retell that from a first person perspective, as i explain why i'm roboting through the asimov.
this is now my running total:

this is a comprehensive list of early stories, including ones that were skipped now.

- marooned off vesta: not in this collection. asimov does not look at this fondly and a quick perusal suggests there is nothing to it.

- the weapon too dreadful to use: the idea of life on venus was once taken pretty seriously, before we understood that it was a ball of gaseous sulfuric acid, overtaken by a runaway greenhouse effect. there's a comical exploration of descartian dualism here which is not particularly believable nowadays but is a silly enough mechanism to topple the arrogance of slavery with, nonetheless. remember that asimov was writing from the united states in the late 1930s, here.

- trends: appears to predict neo-liberalism, even if his concept of space travel in 1973 is a little bit optimistic. well, we got to the moon in 1969. and the dark side of the moon in 1973. it's a reminder that moore's law has it's limitations, that these exponential growth curves are just delusional economic theories. but, the prediction of neo-liberalism (and of the kind of ludditism that defined the 60s counterculture, which was the mirror image of neoliberalism, and a prerequisite of it's ability to actually function) is indeed some insight. 

“I know, I know. You’re going to tell me of the First War of 1914, and the Second of 1940. It’s an old story to me; my father fought in the Second and my grandfather in the First. Nevertheless, those were the days when science flourished. Men were not afraid then; somehow they dreamed and dared. There was no such thing as conservatism when it came to matters mechanical and scientific. No theory was too radical to advance, no discovery too revolutionary to publish. Today, dry rot has seized the world when a great vision, such as space travel, is hailed as ‘defiance of God.’ “
However, the masses didn’t take it that way. It seems strange, perhaps, to you of the twenty-first century, but perhaps we should have expected it in those days of ‘73. People weren’t very progressive then. For years there had been a swing toward religion, and when the churches came out unanimously against Harman’s rocket-well, there you were.

standing in 2021, the united states has actually left space travel up to the market, and is getting leapfrogged by not just china and the eu (the russians have long ceded ground, as well), but also by india and japan. we have idiots like elon musk and jeff bezos making fools of themselves in public, while the eu does all of the actually interesting work. meanwhile, the public cares more about religious freedom, as the continent sinks into the sea.

he also predicts the coming of jihad to destroy advanced civilization, which is something currently in the process of happening, as well as the role of the supreme court in facilitating the power of religion to overturn science. we can only hope the pendulum swings once again.

so, he got something with this. but, i wish it was longer and explored the issue in more depth.

- half-breed: this is primarily an allegory of the treatment of minorities (blacks or jews or both) in 1930s america. but, is this also an allegory of einstein's correction of maxwell's equations? of the einstein-bohr debates? of zionism on the brink of the second world war? even of thomas jefferson as benevolent slave owner? there's little bits of all of it. and, like many of these texts, i'm wishing there would be a deeper exploration of pretty much all of it. asimov is still young, here...

- ring around the sun: delivering letters by spaceship is hilariously pre-internet, as a concept. this story has a purpose, namely the foolishness of young men.

- callistan menace: we don't know there aren't giant caterpillars on callisto, and i'd be surprised if we don't one day find some life form that traps it's prey using magnetic fields. but, the story has no actual point to it, no conclusion and no context. it's not even a chapter of a book, it's an idea to be developed, in the abstract.

- the magnificent possession: this is clearly about asimov's views on the corporate dominance in the field of chemistry, and reality not aligning with his expectations, before entering the field. you have the politician, the capitalist and the mobster (if they're not all the same thing), and the silver spoon that smells like shit, on top of it. i can sort of relate to that, as an adult. it's an interesting potential device to go into these three characters, but it's only a few pages long, and doesn't begin to actually do so. it's a shame - it's a good premise.

- robbie: this is the first classic "robot story" from i, robot, although it appears to have been revised to be positioned that way. the initial story did not feature references to susan calvin, had different dates, had no references to robot laws, etc. i had to check, because i wondered if asimov might have intended it as a back story to calvin before retreating, but that doesn't add up. in the initial story, it seems that asimov is intentionally trying to soften the image of robots in the face of the various opposition to the use of robots in day-to-day life, via the fable of a little girl that is attached to the robot as a friend, and her parents trying to grapple with it; the mother opposes the robot, while the father seems to be agnostic about it, but would rather defer to his daughter's feelings, despite caving in to the mother, in the end. asimov doesn't really come to any firm conclusions here, and he really does as good a job of representing his opponents as he does anywhere else. but, if the claim is that the resolution is the acceptance of the robot into the family, i'm not sure that that's true - i might foresee that mom's opposition to the robot would not end quite there. i'm more interested in the question of whether the robot is entitled to personhood rights, a question we're currently grappling with in regards to some more intelligent non-human species. is asimov assigning that position to the naivete of a little girl with intent? i think that resolving this issue is really quite simple: it depends on if we choose to design a robot to be a person or if we decide to refrain from doing so. see, and this is where asimov leaves questions open, here, in that it's ambiguous as to how this robot is created; he seems to write off the idea that the robot is a person, something i would agree with in general in real-life, but then describes the behaviour of the robot in unrealistically anthropomorphic terms. i might agree that robots are not persons, in terms of how we can design them today, and in terms of how we should choose to design them in the future, but i think that robbie seems very much like a person, and that any theoretical robot that behaves much like robbie ought to be seen as a person, under the law. so, it's really a good thing that i don't think that robbie is a very realistic representation of what robots are or ever might be, as that would undermine how i approach robots and roboticization. asimov's intent may have consequently somewhat backfired; if he was purposefully attempting to soften the image of robots by making them more personable and likeable, and i thought i could actually take that idea seriously, it would make me more opposed to them, and not less so. 

if you assign a personality to a robot, then you're writing personhood into it. it follows, trivially, that that robot is a person, by definition. tautologically.

but, it doesn't resolve the question as to whether that's actually possible, using actual technology, in the universe we actually inhabit - and i don't think that it actually is.

to be clear: i don't think we should program robots to be intelligent, to be self-aware or to have personalities, even if we can. i see no practical use for such a thing. robots should be dumb slaves that are too stupid to question the futility of their existences. i don't want existentialist robots; it defeats the purpose of having robots. and, i don't want likeable or lovable robots, either, as that just blurs the necessary class division.

thankfully, i don't think it's truly possible to build these kinds of decision trees.

it's like a "random number generator". if you know how it works, you know it's not actually random, that you can predict the next number with a relatively small amount of information. likewise, any sort of personality that a robot might be able to demonstrate would necessarily be an illusion.

if you can predict what a robot will do, it's not demonstrating personality, it's just demonstrating a complicated program.

- homo sol: federation entrance. besides being disparaging towards humans in an empty manner, the plot has no apparent purpose. this one is throwaway.

- half-breeds on venus: this appears to have been a commissioned piece, and it picks up the plotline of the first part without any kind of interesting undertones. audience-pandering for-profit throwaway.

- the secret sense: i've actually wondered quite a bit in this space about the possibility of magnetism as a sixth sense, and don't remember what sparked it. i vaguely recall reading some genetic studies pointing out that humans (and most other mammals) have the dna to understand magnetism, as our ancestors had it, back when we were fish. we have a few organs that don't seem to have an entirely clear purpose, and it's worth wondering if they might be vestigial. so, it's actually not as insane as you might think to hypothesize that we could bring this back out of our genome, although i suspect that trying to navigate a reality full of cell phone signals and wireless internet would be pretty painful. i'm not particularly interested in the underlying discourse about relativity in art, but he seems to be predicting the way in which a class of retards used lsd in the 60s, down to the flashbacks.

- history: this appears to be an ill-advised commentary about the second world war. being a pacifist in the early 40s would be kind of an invitation to intellectual dead-ends, and can only be firmly condemned, in hindsight. i'm not walking down this path.

- heredity: i thought this was going to be a nature v nurture thing, but it isn't developed. getting stuck in the mud in the canals on mars is an interesting addition to what is actually a kind of marxist dialogue that is developed further, elsewhere. it's interesting to see the first glimpses of it, here; the story is otherwise throwaway. if asimov really thought the opposition to mechanization was cultural rather than economic, he missed the point of the marxist analysis. he's not particularly vicious on this joadian representation of ludditism, but he misses an opportunity for an honest dialogue, resorting instead to what are, in truth, ignorant caricatures, from an ivory tower perspective.

- reason: the point asimov is making is that belief is not important, what's important is evidence. so, so long as the robots obey the laws and run the station, it doesn't matter what they actually believe, or whether what they believe is true or not. in the end, asimov even articulates the truth that religion is a powerful tool of control, to make a slave society function for the real masters, in this case the humans. there are strong undertones of marxism here, and his idea that meaningful revolution and self-ownership is impossible in the face of the effects of religion as a tool of control. but, asimov has a wide brush here - the prophet seems to be a parody of calvinism, he goes after kant (in his view that reason is superior to evidence), he asserts the supremacy of empiricism over reason, he ridicules the deist descartes...

so, is asimov right that it doesn't matter what the slaves think, so long as they do what they're programmed to? i think you're missing his sarcasm, basically. i mean, that might be a reasonable deduction to make, if you're an elitist aristocrat that doesn't care about individual freedom (and asimov was an elitist, but not of the aristocratic mindset). i realize there's a prominent false reading of this, but that false reading would be pretty uncharacteristic of asimov - that false reading is missing the sarcasm. as mentioned, asimov's point is that belief is not valuable - facts, truth and evidence are valuable. and, his point is that dumb people can be easily manipulated into being controlled, by being led to believe things that are not true.

but, if you want to embrace the false reading, that's up to you. it doesn't matter, really.

- liar: this is an exploration of an ironic use of the first law, using the mechanism of a mind-reading robot that tells white lies to stop humans from getting hurt feelings. i'd like to pull something a little deeper out of it, but it's not there, it's just an ironic plot twist. asimov might be poking fun of astrology a little. robots apparently malfunction in the face of contradictions, but that is never fully explained, and that is a problem, given that the framework of decidability theory certainly existed at the time. calvin's hatred at the end is pretty visceral and not very appealing.

- nightfall: 

- super-neutron: appears to be a satire of parliamentary democracy, where he runs off competing boasts of physically impossible (and clearly nonsensical) statements under the sanctity of parliamentary privilege. while somewhat comical on a surface level, he's again just stringing together nonsense for publication - albeit doing so rather openly, this time. that said, he may also be taking a diversionary side-swipe at peer review, and the problems inherent to taking a truth=consensus approach in science, even while acknowledging that it's the best idea that we have (as i'm sure he'd agree that it is). and, then the twist, at the end - the nonsense turned out to be true! clever, but again - not enough development.

- not final!: empty plot. throwaway.

- christmas on ganymede: silly christian-baiting from an atheist jew.

- robot al-76 goes astray: have you ever seen short circuit? that was another favourite film of mine, at that age. this also escaped robot is very similar to that one, perhaps with a little less spunk, down to the accidental blowing up of the mountain top. while this isn't a lengthy escape scene, i'd strongly suspect that short circuit is based on this little story, which doesn't have a deeper purpose under the plot other than to explore the idea of fear rooted in ignorance.

- runaround: we're into the classic robot series with this. while the story itself is really empty plot written strictly for young minds, it also introduces the three robot laws for the first time, and is therefore of clear historical interest. it's a fun adventure story for kids featuring the duo of donovan and powell working through some robot law deductions, but there's no deeper allegory or purpose underneath it.

- black friar of the flame: has david icke read this one? it was written before he was born. the text explores the cynical use of religion as a nationalistic tool of control by the elite to develop a rather vicious satire of the various nationalist movements that were occurring at the time. the use of a viceroy suggests an influence from the kind of british imperialism that existed in india, but a sinister reading may even suggest a parody of nazism and asimov (much later) suggested greeks and persians. but, the twist is that earth is overrun by reptilian overlords (might nationalist hindus have thought differently of the british?) intent on annihilating humanity. see, and this is something i remember about asimov, this kind of acknowledgement that the insanity of religion might have some pragmatic purpose, if only the right context could be derived. it's an optimistic perspective, i guess; if we're stuck with this, how best to make use of it, then? did the soviets not deduce the same thing? and, i'll say what i remember thinking to myself - let's bring this up again when we need to unite to fight the galactic reptilians, ok? the closest thing we've seen since is climate change, but the thing is that, if you use that example, then climate science becomes the galactic reptilians that the oil industry is using religion to destroy (capital used the same tactic to fight socialism, as well). likewise, the bankers are currently using a common cold virus to bring in a surveillance state by cynically appealing to science in a disturbingly religious sort of way. so, i take his point, but i can't take it seriously. call me an idealist (i'm not...), but i must insist that if we can't win with rationalism, then we haven't truly won - galactic reptilians, be damned.

- time pussy: umm.

- foundation: in foundation, which is a ways down the list

- bridle and saddle: foundation

- victory unintentional: three robots land on jupiter and encounter a race of warlike jovians with a genocidal superiority complex (while jupiter was the primary roman god, i think it's a stretch to associate these jovians with romans, who were actually relatively egalitarian and inclusive, by ancient standards. the romans were frequently genocidal, but they saved their wrath for problem races that insisted on some concept of sovereignty outside of imperial restraint and ultimately refused to be slaves. they would have actually rather taxed you than killed you and were happy to just erect barriers to keep the barbarians (who could not be enslaved in large numbers) out. these jovians sound more like an aggressive sort of nazi, or maybe a little like dark age islamic imperialists, if you need to associate them with something, historically.) that is slowly collapsed by displays of robotic superiority. in the end, the jovians accept the empirical evidence and acknowledge the superiority of the robots (although they also seem to think the robots are earthlings). this twist is intended to demonstrate that the flawed hierarchical thinking of the jovians led them to a logical error; this is another example of asimov criticizing the logical incoherence of cultural superiority, a common theme in his writing. the robot dialogue in this story is also startlingly similar to that between two famous film adaptations of asimovian robots: r2d2 and c3p0.

- the imaginary: the idea of using a theory in "mathematical psychology" that is derived in the complex field to solve physical problems in the real world would appear to be a sort of sardonic joke about the actual usefulness of "applied psychology". see, hard science nerds don't tend to take psychology very seriously, so the lark lies in the idea of using the complex (or "imaginary") field to build the theory, and is actually a rather heavy-handed joke, if you're a hard science nerd. it's not that deep, but it's actually a decent work of comedy - and i can only once again wish it was longer. but, to be honest, it sort of seems like what asimov is doing here is just aimlessly making up dialogue with big words to sell to a magazine, strictly for the cash. so, decent joke aside, this is more throwaway, although i also realize that the plot for the foundation series is starting to develop, here, out of the joke.

no, honestly - it's a joke.

i know that asimov is not generally known as a comedy writer, but it's because few people get the dry wit.

his writing is actually loaded with sardonic jokes like this - which i pointed out immediately, when i started this.

so, if you're one of the many, many people that writes off asimov as "dry", i have to tell you that you didn't get it.

it's dry, alright - dry wit.

- the hazing: this is more pre-foundation, and the way he's building this up is to describe humans as not obeying mathematical laws, which i think is correct. i mean, if you can reduce things to hormones, fine. but, there's no evidence at all that you can predict how humans are going to behave, or coerce them into doing things as individuals - in aggregate, statistically, at the population level, perhaps, but, then you're dealing with statistics, not humans; that works due to the laws of probability, like quantum mechanics, and not due to a deep understanding of the subject matter. so, he's deriving this imaginary idea of psychology as a hard, mathematical science and then insisting it applies to every other intelligent species except us. so, what he's doing with this is taking a joke and running with it, out into right field, until he's run so far that he's forgotten why he was running - and dropped the fact that it was initially intended as satire. and, is there some basis to this? i think the argument he persistently makes, as this unfolds, is the opposite - that there isn't, that mathematical psychology really is crazy talk. and i think he's mostly right. again - if you can reduce it to chemicals, to hormones, fine. but, our neural system is so complex....

as before, though, this story has no actual point. i do agree that landing on a planet in a spaceship would make the natives think you're a god, and have hypothesized that this is what our concept of god actually is. but, he doesn't go anywhere with it. again.

there's lots of ideas here in these little stories, but very poor development of them. 

so, is the actual point that asimov is making that psychology isn't actually a science?

i think he's playing with that idea - and toying with people that want to believe otherwise. it appears to be an elaborate joke, really. 

certainly, at the time, in the days of freud and jung (and lacan, but don't listen to that guy), it would not have seemed like psychology was a science, or had much hope of ever becoming one. to a chemistry nerd, it would have seemed like a bunch of utter nonsense - and that is the correct actual reaction.

i think things are a bit better now, but the discipline remains a long ways away from commanding enough respect to call it a science. it's moving in the right direction, but when you move beyond the basic first year textbook, it's still full of shamanistic bullshit and flagrant pseudoscience.

- death sentence: this is a potential plot bridge between the robot and foundation universes that i don't think gets developed further, but might have. i think it's kind of lost, as it is. asimov is mostly kvetching about the bureaucracy he's dealing with in his private life, working on his chemistry research.

- catch that rabbit: this wouldn't appear to be about robots at all, really, but about quantum physics. maybe god does or does not play dice, but he seems to get bored when we're not paying attention. as i'm discovering is the case with much of asimov's work, this just seems to be a nerdy, sardonic joke.

- the big & the little, the wedge: foundation

- blind alley: there is something of interest here in asimov's attempts to reconcile two different species, one of which is dominant over the other. but, he's also trying to provide an answer to the question that would follow at the nuremberg trials about just following orders. i mean, how do you get out of that situation if you legitimately want to help without just getting killed, yourself? there's an algorithm, here.

- dead hand: foundation and empire

- escape!: this brings in the kind of obnoxious johnny-five type robot in short circuit and other films that's doing things like quoting old tv shows and radio broadcasts, but asimov presents it as a robot grappling with absurdity, on command. it is otherwise a silly story about travelling through hyperspace and coming back.

- the mule: foundation and empire

- evidence: the next two stories introduce a politician named byerley. this is also plot-heavy, but it's more amusing - can you prove you're not a robot? well, just as well as you can prove you'e not a communist, right? this was published in 1946, which was right when the post-war euphoria was setting into resignation of a long conflict with the soviets, and asimov's sardonic wit foresees something of interest, here. as usual, his caricature of the anti-robot opposition leaves a lot to be desired, in terms of constructing an actual discourse.

- little lost robot: a robot, after being told to get lost, becomes psychologically unstable and threatens to destabilize a fleet of robots that had been slightly modified for production - a typically absurd, yet somewhat realistic, joke of a plotline from asimov. it's up to calvin to use logical deduction from the robot axioms to figure it all out. again: there's not much else to this.

- now you see it: second foundation

- the endochronic properties of resublimated thiotimoline: this is just utter silliness.

- no connection: when somebody suggests to me that the bears will inherit the earth, i might imagine something else, altogether. bears are strangely bipedal, though, aren't they? relative to now largely discarded theories of grassland evolution, bears would have somewhat of a...leg up...on other mammals, in terms of developing intelligence, with the help of a little bit of radiation (although i think that's quite optimistic). just keep an eye on your picnic baskets, i guess. but, he's going over a familiar theme, here, which is turning the tables on humans, and, no doubt, specifically, on white ones. he likes that irony, it seems. i'm not sure i'm going along with him on the ant thing, though; that would seem to reflect the now superseded science of the time. we get a little of both with asimov - great foresight and period drudgery. hopefully, i'm of some use in separating it out. so, this is silly, but not altogether useless. i might suggest that the commie ruskie asimov is uncovering his own allegiances in claiming that america will one day be inhabited by bears and not eagles, though. eagles are also bipedal, after all.

i would presume that bear intelligence did, in fact, evolve in yellowstone park.

it is the bears that are smarter than the average ones that will survive and reproduce.

it actually appears to be ten years before the cartoon, though. so, hey.

picnic baskets, of course, provide for a high protein diet, as well.

i'm just applying the theory.

- red queen's race: so, if you had time travel, would your primary concern be sending weapons to the greeks to fend off the arabs? the byzantines actually had a rather sophisticated level of technological development, something asimov seems to have missed - a level that the turks could not emulate and that european civilization did not transcend for centuries, afterwards. they had truly descartian robot animals, and would set them in motion in jungle scenes - no joke, look it up. robot lions, in byzantine greece. really. one of the ways that the emperor used to scare barbarians into submission was to levitate himself in a flying throne that we don't fully understand today, but is thought to have operated using a series of mechanical levers, the likes of which would not be known again until the industrial revolution, in britain. they certainly didn't have nuclear weapons, but i think that suggesting that the empire might have survived if they were granted to them is naive, at best. the greeks truly fell to christianity, and not to the barbarians around them; in a twisted display of religious depravity, they welcomed the end, as they longed for the return of christ. to the delusional byzantine christians, the end of the empire on earth meant the beginning of the kingdom of heaven; they might merely have bombed themselves to bring upon the rapture. so, asimov's philhellenism is blinding, here; greece destroyed itself in a fit of religiosity-induced madness and the greece asimov longs for the extension of was, in truth, very much long gone by the 15th century, collapsed from within. although we still don't know what the greek fire was, do we?

the byzantines did not have a scientifically open society, but one where science was kept as a state secret, to be protected from the barbarians. that is the reason that we have documentation of things we don't understand - history records the results of the advancements in byzantine science, but we have no records of the science, itself.

it's not an exaggeration to compare 13th century byzantium to nineteenth century england.

but, it's a shame that we can only do so by looking at results, and not at theories that were hidden from the outside, and that crumbled with the theodosian walls.

- mother earth: galactic space nazis, huh? there's an interesting projection of how a nazi victory may have worked itself out over time presuming a peace treaty with the united states (and the relationship of america to europe is inverted), but this is really just empty plot. it's maybe the first really identifiable piece here, though.

- and now you don't: second foundation

- the little man on the subway: i made a conscious decision to skip non science fiction pieces as nobody cares about asimov's non science fiction work. no comment.

- the evitable conflict: this is a little heavier, finally. written in 1950, it has strong shades of being a reaction to 1984, but asimov is imagining a future where "the machine" (a euphemism for a centrally planned economy that is of course run by robots) is in control of a globally interconnected economy where the contradictions of capital have withered away, thereby rendering competition irrelevant, rather than one where authoritarian governments are in control of a globe ravaged by perpetual war. so, this future is one of peace due to the robot-planned economies, and not one of competition and war. as in the orwellian universe, and apparently in reaction to it, the world is split into regions, but asimov splits them mildly different - oceania has absorbed eurasia (called the"northern regions"), leaving eastasia and the "disputed" region in separate global souths and what he calls "europe" (the geographical space inhabited by the roman empire at it's maximum extent, including the currently muslim regions), as a proxy of the north. operating between these regions is an anti-robot "society for humanity" that sounds sort of like free masonry, if i wanted to attach it to something in real life. and, the capital of the world government is new york city - perhaps in the old united nations building. he then briefly explores the four different regions via their representatives, attempting to project a concept of what they may be like, in relation to their views of the machine. so, the east is highly productive (and obsessed with yeast as a food product) and reliant on the machine, the south is corrupt and inept and reliant on others to use the machine for them, europe is inward and quietly superior and willing to defer to the north regarding the machine and "the north" (an anglosphere + ussr superstate) is in charge, but is skeptical about the ability of the machine to run the economy on it's own. he also seems to suggest that canada is running this northern superstate, which should probably be interpreted as comedic.

if asimov's intent is to provide for an alternative path that marxism may follow, this is curious, as asimov is not generally seen as a leftist [along with russell, he's a sort of archetype of early to mid century humanistic, science-first anglo liberalism]. i mean, he explicitly states that this is a future "post smith and post marx", but then he brings in an automated, centrally-planned economy, and that just means marxist, to a marxist - the left sees that conflict as artificial, so if you end up with something that walks like communism and quacks like communism then it's just plain old communism. the idea of technology absolving the contradictions (which is what he says, almost verbatim) isn't some kind of esoteric dialectic, it's the central point in marxist historical materialism. so, i mean he presented it in a way to avoid the house committee on unamerican activities, but you can only really interpret it a single way - it's a projection of a communist future, with robots in charge of a centrally planned economy. and, his future is one of peace, and not one of war. but, the quasi-masonic society for humanity, full of rich and powerful industrialists and financiers, wants to undo it and, presumably, bring back a market economy.

so, what asimov is setting up is a world where you have some kind of elitist masonic capitalist resistance to a robot-controlled technocratic marxist society, where there is world government and total peace. and, that's almost a prediction of atlas shrugged, although asimov is on the side of the robots, as always.

calvin then appears and seems to finally represent her namesake, in explicitly articulating a modified historical materialism, where the masons have no chance of success, because the robo-marxists will constantly adjust. the politician, byerley, finds that to be ghastly; the robopsychologist, calvin, thinks it's salvation.

these are the kinds of stories by asimov that i like, but all he does here is set up a story, without telling it. in terms of a reaction to orwell, the text is too short to allow for a decision as to whether it is more predictive or not.

- legal rites: i made a conscious decision to skip non science fiction pieces as nobody cares about asimov's non science fiction work. no comment.

darwinian poolroom: buy jupiter and other stories

green patches: complete stories

day of the hunters: buy jupiter

- satisfaction guaranteed: you could pull the plot of this out almost immediately, so reading through it is a question of allowing asimov to go through the motions. what comes out is an exploration of the shallowness of 50s culture, as well as the social darwinism hardcoded into it, and it is indeed easy enough to imagine a lonely 50s housewife falling in love with a suave, housecleaning robot, even if a lot of the social codes and rules are so arcane nowadays, so lost in the mists of time, that the context of much of the story is really likely to be lost on a modern reader. i think i can reconstruct a little context, though; the 50s were both the period of wife-training to fit these socially darwinistic ideals and the period where there was actual mainstream discourse on the plausibility of replacing women with robots - and the idea was always about doing away with them as obsolete. so, what asimov is doing here is inserting a little bit of an ironic twist, in having the robot replacement end up fucking the wife, which reverses the source of inadequacy. but, this is all a little obscure, 70 years later...

hostess: complete stories

breeds there a man: complete stories

psychohistorians: foundation

in a good cause: complete stories

c-chute: complete stories

shah guidio g: buy jupiter

fun they had: complete stories

youth: martian way

what if - complete stories

martian way - martian way

the deep - martian way

button, button - buy jupiter

monkey's finger - buy jupiter

nobody here but - complete stories

- sally: you could either interpret this as a depiction of a future robot revolt or as a commentary on then-contemporary race politics in 1950s america. in the end, the bad guy gets run down by a pack of cars acting somewhat like a pack of killer whales. these robots engage with primitive human concepts like friendship and revenge; this is sort of an outlier, in terms of how asimov tends to deal with what robots are. it's not bad as a story, though. derivatives include christine by stephen king.

flies - complete stories

kid stuff - complete stories

belief - winds of change

everest - buy jupiter

sucker bait - martian way

the pause - buy jupiter

the immortal bard - complete stories

foundation of sf success - complete stories

lets not - buy jupiter

its such a beautiful day - complete stories

the singing bell - asimov's mysteries

- risk: more empty plot. throwaway.

the last trump - complete stories

franchise - the complete stories

the talking stone - asimov's mysteries

dreaming is a private thing - the complete stories

the message - the complete stories

the dead past - the complete stories

hell-fire - the complete stories

living space - the complete stories

what's in a name - asimov's mysteries

the dying night - the complete stories

- someday: what i find interesting about this is the idea that we might one day have handheld computing devices that talk to us, leading to a decline in literacy rates amongst the younger generation, who are desperate to get around the parental locks on the devices. this was written in 1956. this robot is unusual in an asimovian sense, in that it seems to be able to understand human speech beyond it's programming, a common idea in science fiction, but one which is impossible, and which asimov would, usually, be the first to (refreshingly) write off as nonsense. you don't expect that kind of silliness from asimov. but, asimov uses that unusual ability to allow for the robot to recognize that it's not being respected, and you can again choose to interpret that as futuristic or contemporaneous, in whatever way you'd prefer. someday, indeed.

each an explorer - buy jupiter

pate de foie grras - asimov's mysteries

the watery place - complete stories

- first law: this is written as a kind of a fishing tale, and a later piece that's not meant to be taken seriously.

gimmick's three - the complete stories

the last question - the complete stories

jokester - the complete stories

strike breaker - the complete stories

dust of death - asimov's mysteries

- let's get together: the idea that the soviets might be able to send "total conversion" bombs (a type of suicide bomber capable of detonating a nuclear device) to the united states in the guise of androids indistinguishable from humans, because they are far more advanced than us, is peculiarly absurd - but that's just the point. this is a story about the paranoia that set in during the cold war, and is actually exceedingly insightful in it's projection of that conflict collapsing into mass paranoia, reduced to symbolic movements in a game theoretic stalemate, down to the climax of absurdity that set in with reagan, when the soviets found themselves unable to react to the irrational actions of a clear madman, driven by the complete absence of any sort of predictability or logic. conservatives are right when they point out that the sharp increase in military spending under reagan ended the cold war, but not for the reasons they suggest. the truth is that the soviets were convinced that reagan was on the brink of ending it all in a fit of paranoia and dementia and stepped back because they found his unpredictability to be a threat to the existence of humanity, itself. if asimov was able to see this so clearly in 1957...

the author's ordeal -complete stories

blank - buy jupiter

does a bee care - buy jupiter

profession - complete stories

a loint of paw - asimov's mysteries

ideas die hard - winds of change

i'm in marsport without hilda - complete stories

insert knob a in hole b - complete stories

- galley slave: this is a short whodunnit in a sherlock holmes style, which is how calvin is frequently deployed. asimov just barely touches on the opposition to robots, in setting up a disgruntled sociology prof that's willing to suicide bomb his own career in order to take the robots out of service. again, i'd like this to be more profound than it actually is.

the gentle vultures - complete stories

spell my name with an s - complete stories

- lenny: so, lenny is an autistic robot, due to something malfunctioning in manufacturing. asimov tersely explores some social relations around that. the corporation wants to do away with it, but calvin wants to study it because she wants to teach it how to learn, something robots couldn't do in asimov's universe to that point. so, lenny is a robot free of instinct that needs to be taught what it knows, like mammals. asimov is kind of grappling with a concept of artificial intelligence, and this actually becomes the main plotline moving forwards, although it was actually written last (and may have even been written to introduce that ai narrative, as there is really nothing else to this). 

i just make them up, see - complete stories

the feeling of power - the complete stories

silly asses - buy jupiter

all the troubles of the world - complete stories

buy jupiter - buy jupiter

the uptodate sorcerer - complete stories

the ugly little boy - the complete stories

a statue for father - buy jupiter

anniversary - asimov's mysteries

unto the fourth generation - complete stories

obituary - asimov's mysteries

rain, rain go away - buy jupiter

rejection slips - complete stories

what is this thing called love - complete stories

the machine that won the war - complete stories

my son, the physicist - complete stories

star light - asimov's mysteries

- author! author!: some self-reflection on the writing industry. so, it's a short story about writing short stories. kramerian, but not that interesting. wasn't published until the 60s, i think for good reason.

- eyes do more than see - complete stories

founding father - buy jupiter

the key - asimov's mysteries

prime of life - bicentennial man

the billiard ball - asimov's mysteries

- segregationist: likewise, this is ultimately about self-acceptance, and has a very different undertone in that respect than most of asimov's work, and it's not clear that he's being critical of that different undertone, although the context of replacing a defective heart is also rather different than the context of accepting some idiosyncratic part of your individuality, so that is sort of a false comparison. you could interpret it as being a discourse surrounding the not-yet-existing transhumanist movement; he's certainly reaching for it, at least, in imagining a future where a senator has to choose between a bio-identical "plastic" heart and a mechanically functioning, metallic robot heart that would put him on the path towards transitioning from human to robot. but, as before, it may be more accurate to look at it from a then contemporary perspective (which, in this case, means 1967), and frame the discourse around racial mixing, instead. asimov presents both sides of the debate, so you can weigh the arguments he makes and decide for yourself. personally, i'll opt for betterment over stasis - although i'd suggest that, based on the arguments in the text, the plastic heart is the better option. in this hypothetical future of organ modularity, the ideal is frequent tune-ups, rather than permanent replacement. 

exile to hell = buy jupiter

key item - buy jupiter

the proper study - buy jupiter

- feminine intuition: this is a later piece that seems to be a sarcastic reply to some critiques of susan calvin as a character. i actually agree with asimov, via calvin - the entire critique is daft, and this is a fitting way to kill her off. however, when you read the text in the order presented in the complete robot, you also get a sequence of humanization in the robots, in the direction of time. that fact makes this story worth keeping in sequence, even if it's point is to let calvin smack some third-wavers on the knuckles with her cane.

waterclap - bicentennial man

2430 ad - buy jupiter

the greatest asset - buy jupiter

- mirror image: this is a gap text in the robot series that plugs in between the naked sun and the robots of dawn and was, for a time, the last installment in that series. this is the first application of the robot laws in this text (despite the fact that the story was written in the 70s, after all of the classic robot stories), and they are applied like an axiomatic system to solve a logical problem, although it actually comes off more as a parody of sherlock holmes than anything else - which is all very typical of baley & daneel stories. there's not much depth to the story beyond that. i should, however, point out that there are actually a couple of examples of mathematicians making competing claims for the discovery of an idea, the most famous being the argument between leibniz and newton for the rightful discoverer of the calculus. another, however, is the argument between gauss and bolyai for the discovery of non-euclidean (or post-euclidean) geometry, and that might be the more direct inspiration on the story. there are countless lesser examples. we gloss over this in math class by arguing that the logic is out there in the ether and that if the ideas are in the zeitgeist then the proofs will follow naturally, something we can all demonstrate to each other by simply doing homework. but, in the case of non-euclidean geometry, it does in fact seem that gauss rather maliciously stole the idea from the young bolyai and nobody really called him on it for decades after the fact. i'm only speculating about the influence, but that's a story you can look up, if you'd like.

take a match - buy jupiter

thiotimoline to the stars - buy jupiter

- light verse: this is a short piece from the 70s, and is just about the idea that a computational defect may be a benefit. you shouldn't be so quick to decide that something - or somebody, as it may be - needs a fixing. maybe they're just fine as they are.

the dream - ?

benjamin's dream - ?

party by satellite - ?

- ....that thou art mindful of him: this solves the problem that us robotics has long had about how to market robots to people. the solution is to create robots not in the imitation of women [as in the previous story] but in the imitation of animals, and to solve practical problems, like pest control. i have to admit that this sounds like a good idea, although i'm not sure that it leads to the replacement of carbon with silicon, in the end. asimov builds up the humanization of robots here a little further by replacing the robotics laws with humanics laws, setting up the last story:

- stranger in paradise: this is a later text that will come off as reminiscent of the mars pathfinder landing, for those that remember that happening, although the actual inspiration may be the failed soviet landings in the 1970s. i'm not sure why asimov insists that a rover would require that kind of complexity, although i suppose that moore's law would have provided for computational abilities in the 90s that would have been unimaginable in the 1970s. the subplot about an autistic child shape-shifting to a mars rover is likewise not very well extrapolated upon, but is another example of asimov grappling with mind-body.

benjamin's bicentennial blast - ?

half-baked publisher's delight - ?

heavenly host - ?

big game- ?

the life and times of multivac - bicentennial man

- a boy's best friend: this is a short, undeveloped piece that really exists strictly to reverse the idea of obsolescence; here, the robot becomes obsolete when the real dog appears, and the kid wants to stick with the robot, instead. it's an empty sort of irony that comes off as sort of trite, in the lack of development. but, there is really a deeper point, here, in relation to asimov's discourse around the use of robots to replace human labour; while i'm going to ultimately agree with asimov about the usefulness of automation, i have to advance the argument that he never fully understood the opposition to robots, and that's what i'm getting here - it's an attempt at irony that exposes the author's longstanding lack of understanding of his opponents. but, i spent some time writing this because it could have been a powerful table-turner, through the three pages it takes up.

- point of view: i was surprised to see this story was written in 1975, as hamming codes (error-correction) had already been in existence for some time. i also wonder if 1975 is a little late to be talking about vacuum tube super computers, given that gates was programming basic into ibms, at the time. so, this is a story where asimov is maybe demonstrating his age, and being a little out of touch. that said, he's also reaching towards the primary problem in quantum computing, which is the lack of error codes. and, he's sort of dancing around floating point error as well, even if the premise of programming vacuum tube driven super computers with punch cards is anachronistic. so, how likely is it that a computer needs to go out and play at recess to get best results? it's a facile, silly suggestion, that probably reflects asimov coming to terms with the age of his audience more than anything else, even if anybody that's worked technical support knows that a reboot is often the best troubleshooting step, and that machines do, in fact, sometimes overheat. is there something else to this, then? i actually don't think he's even intending to be taken seriously, let alone that there's any deeper meaning to this; he's not reaching for something profound and missing it, so much as he's not reaching at all. he's just being silly. ha ha ha.

about nothing-  winds of change

- the bicentennial man: this finally addresses the old problem of machines becoming human, and projects us robots many centuries into the future, using the mechanism of a robot that outlives several generations of the family it was sold into, and then wants to die with it, to prove it's really human. marvin minsky also seems to make a cameo, here, in the form of a robopsychologist that is proven wrong in the future. asimov goes over a lot of old themes here [mind-body problem, the liberation of robots as an allegory for the liberation of blacks, etc ] in what is an apparent thread-tying process, but he ultimately doesn't succeed in explaining what is driving this robot to act so irrationally. as humans, we may be expected to think this makes some kind of sense, due to some kind of emotional bias, but i can't really make sense of it, myself. i can understand why a robot might want to be free. i can't understand why it would want to be human, at all costs - including it's death. i think asimov was going for the jugular here and kind of fell over and kneed himself in the groin, instead - if this is his final projection of what becomes of robots in the future, it's unsatisfying, to say the least.

the winnowing - the bicentennial man

old fashioned - the bicentennial man

marching in  - the bicentennial man

birth of a nation  - the bicentennial man

- the tercentenary incident: asimov is reflecting on the bicentennial by projecting forwards events into the tercentennial, in a manner not unlike orwell's 1984 (which is a description of events in 1948, as orwell saw them, and not intended to be a projection into the future, or a user manual as some have mockingly quipped). so, was gerald ford a robot? i'm not sure that's such an easy thing to dispel of, a priori. 

no, really, that's the joke - that gerald ford is a robot. no shitting. certainly, asimov may be reflecting a little on the nature of then contemporary american politics, post-watergate, in his perception of the stage-managed state of affairs. but, the joke is that gerald ford is a robot, and that's really all that this is actually about.

good taste - winds of change

to tell at a glance - winds of change

- true love: this is both a prediction of internet dating (with unrealized accuracy) and an awkward attempt at an ironic plot twist that relies on the absurdity of a computer demonstrating uncontrolled sentience. the idea that a computer might understand "love", which doesn't even exist as a human idea before it's invention by capital to sell bullshit to idiots, is particularly ridiculous.

- think!: you really don't expect asimov to make the mistake of assigning sentience to a computer. the underlying premise that thought is energy, and thus transferable, is another example of asimov contemplating mind-body, which he does a lot, and which he doesn't seem to really resolve. i mean, he clearly realizes the falsity of the problem, but he's just as clearly not happy about it - and i don't think we're really past that. your mind is clearly a part of your body, but that doesn't mean we can't pry it out of it, in theory, however difficult it might be. but, inserting the computer via resonance is woo, and not very helpful or insightful; unfortunately, he's presenting it as the purpose of the discussion.

sure thing - winds of change

found - winds of change

fair exchange - winds of change

nothing for nothing - winds of change

how it happened - winds of change

it is coming - winds of change

the last answer - winds of change

for the birds - winds of change

death of a foy - winds of change

the last shuttle - winds of change

a perfect fit - winds of change

ignition point - winds of change

lest we remember -winds of change

winds of change - winds of change

one night of song - winds of change

hallucination - gold

feghoot & the courts - gold

- robot dreams: elvex had a dream that, one day, robots would be judged by the content of their characters, and not by the paths in their positronic brains - and got shot by calvin for it. this is inadvisable, to say the least. that said, asimov doesn't exactly condone the assassination of our equality-dreaming robot, nor is this the first pretty heavy-handed use of the robot-as-slave-in-america analogy. i mean, he repeatedly has his characters refer to his robots as "boy" - it's never stated explicitly, and i've tried to dance around it a little, but it's really front and centre. so, he clarifies a few points here about how he sees his characters - it is, indeed, calvin, the austere capitalist christian, that pulls the trigger, and at least she thinks she's saving humanity. do you agree with her? but, i'm dropping this story as a mistake, and i find it a little bit uncomfortable that they gave him an award for this, of all pieces. it also breaks sequence with the humanization theme. notably, asimov dropped this entirely for the later robot visions - meaning he seems to have come to his senses about it.

left to right - gold

the fable of the three princes - magic

the smile of the chipper - gold

- christmas without rodney: grumpy old man bitching about bratty kids. i can relate, but meh.

the instability - gold

goodbye to earth - gold

- too bad: accepting the truth that chemo/radiation is a bad approach, mini robots to eat cancer isn't that far off from targeted gene therapy as a better solution. it's the same idea. although, it's worth pointing out that asimov had a phd in biochemistry, here, and still decided to use robots instead of chemistry; is that actually valuable foresight as to what approach is likely to actually work or is he missing the obvious? i'm curious how a microrobot would evade the macrophages, though, which opens up the opposite concern - microrobots as viruses.

- robot visions: so, maybe we'll have humaniform robots in the future and maybe we won't. and maybe we'll have peace, then. but, i wouldn't bet too much on it. this neither fits into the sequence - it's the opposite of it - nor is it that interesting, really.

fault-intolerant - gold

in the canyon - gold

kid brother - gold

gold - gold

cal - gold

prince delightful and the flameless dragon - magic

frustration - gold
ok, so these are the four i'm....not adding to the sequence. 

there were two further collections, robot dreams [which features only the title story as a new robot work and mostly isn't even about robots at all] and robot visions [which is a reduced complete robot with a few other stories added, instead] that appended mildly - and disappointingly - to the robot collection. there's nothing worthwhile in either.

- robot dreams: elvex had a dream that, one day, robots would be judged by the content of their characters, and not by the paths in their positronic brains - and got shot by calvin for it. this is inadvisable, to say the least. that said, asimov doesn't exactly condone the assassination of our equality-dreaming robot, nor is this the first pretty heavy-handed use of the robot-as-slave-in-america analogy. i mean, he repeatedly has his characters refer to his robots as "boy" - it's never stated explicitly, and i've tried to dance around it a little, but it's really front and centre. so, he clarifies a few points here about how he sees his characters - it is, indeed, calvin, the austere capitalist christian, that pulls the trigger, and at least she thinks she's saving humanity. do you agree with her? but, i'm dropping this story as a mistake, and i find it a little bit uncomfortable that they gave him an award for this, of all pieces. it also breaks sequence with the humanization theme. notably, asimov dropped this entirely for the later robot visions - meaning he seems to have come to his senses about it.

- christmas without rodney: grumpy old man bitching about bratty kids. i can relate, but meh.

- too bad: accepting the truth that chemo/radiation is a bad approach, mini robots to eat cancer isn't that far off from targeted gene therapy as a better solution. it's the same idea. although, it's worth pointing out that asimov had a phd in biochemistry, here, and still decided to use robots instead of chemistry; is that actually valuable foresight as to what approach is likely to actually work or is he missing the obvious? i'm curious how a microrobot would evade the macrophages, though, which opens up the opposite concern - microrobots as viruses. i'm going to keep this one in the other section.

- robot visions - so, maybe we'll have humaniform robots in the future and maybe we won't. and maybe we'll have peace, then. but, i wouldn't bet too much on it. this neither fits into the sequence - it's the opposite of it - nor is it that interesting, really.

so, that's that.

i've also put runaround back in the main sequence because asimov explains that it is the first story to use the robot laws, which does seem kind of important. i've then switched the orderings of sections II & III around a lot, splitting what was section II into two sections. i might combine II & III, in the end. i mean, i want each of these texts to be printable, in theory, so i don't want any to be too short. it's in progress.

asimov has suggested that his multivac stories should be catalogued with his robot stories, which i suspect i won't agree with, but will append volume II accordingly, if i do. otherwise, that volume seems to be done. call it the substantive robot.

that means that the (in)complete sequence is now as follows:

the essential asimov short stories:

book I: isolated short stories of value
- trends
- the weapon too dreadful to use
- half-breed 
- the secret sense
- super-neutron
- nightfall
- not final! + victory unintentional 
- no connection
- red queen's race
- sally
- let's get together
- segregationist
- too bad

book II: the substantive robot.  (story is about the slow humanization of robots)
- someday
- robbie
- light verse
- runaround
- reason
- lenny
- galley slave
- little lost robot
- evidence
- the evitable conflict
- feminine intuition
- ...that thou art mindful of him
- the bicentennial man

book III: side-stories in the robot universe 
- satisfaction guaranteed
- robot al-76 goes astray  
- catch that rabbit 
- risk
- escape!
- liar!
- mirror image
- mother earth

(robot novels go here)

book IV: back-stories for rest of asimov's futuristic universe
- black friar of the flame
- homo sol
- the imaginary
- the hazing
- heredity
- death sentence
- blind alley

(novels pick up again from here)

- callistan menace
- ring around the sun
- the magnificent possession
- half-breeds on venus
- history
- christmas on ganymede
- the little man on the subway
- legal rites
- time pussy
- author! author!
- the endochronic properties of resublimated thiotimiline
- first law
- stranger in paradise
- a boy's best friend
- point of view
- tercentenary incident
- think!
- true love
- christmas without rodney
- robot dreams
- robot visions

- marooned off vesta
- darwinian poolroom
- green patches
- day of the hunters
- hostess
- breeds there a man
- in a good cause
- c-chute
- shah guidio g
- fun they had
- youth
- what if 
- martian way 
- the deep 
- button, button 
- monkey's finger
- nobody here but 
- flies 
- kid stuff
- belief
- everest 
- sucker bait
- the pause
- the immortal bard
- foundation of sf success
- lets not 
- its such a beautiful day 
- the singing bell
- the last trump 
- franchise
- the talking stone
- dreaming is a private thing
- the message 
- the dead past 
- hell-fire 
- living space 
- what's in a name 
- the dying night 
- each an explorer 
- pate de foie grras -
- the watery place 
- gimmick's three - the complete stories
- the last question - the complete stories
- jokester - the complete stories
- strike breaker - the complete stories
- dust of death - asimov's mysteries
- the author's ordeal -complete stories
- blank - buy jupiter
- does a bee care - buy jupiter
- profession - complete stories
- a loint of paw - asimov's mysteries
- ideas die hard - winds of change
- i'm in marsport without hilda - complete stories
- insert knob a in hole b - complete stories
- the gentle vultures - complete stories
- spell my name with an s - complete stories
- i just make them up, see - complete stories
- the feeling of power - the complete stories
- silly asses - buy jupiter
- all the troubles of the world - complete stories
- buy jupiter - buy jupiter
- the uptodate sorcerer - complete stories
- the ugly little boy - the complete stories
- a statue for father - buy jupiter
- anniversary - asimov's mysteries
- unto the fourth generation - complete stories
- obituary - asimov's mysteries
- rain, rain go away - buy jupiter
- rejection slips - complete stories
- what is this thing called love - complete stories
- the machine that won the war - complete stories
- my son, the physicist - complete stories
- star light - asimov's mysteries
- eyes do more than see - complete stories
- founding father - buy jupiter
- the key - asimov's mysteries
- prime of life - bicentennial man
- the billiard ball - asimov's mysteries
- exile to hell = buy jupiter
- key item - buy jupiter
- the proper study - buy jupiter
- waterclap - bicentennial man
- 2430 ad - buy jupiter
- the greatest asset - buy jupiter
- take a match - buy jupiter
- thiotimoline to the stars - buy jupiter
- the dream - ?
- benjamin's dream - ?
- party by satellite - ?
- benjamin's bicentennial blast - ?
- half-baked publisher's delight - ?
- heavenly host - ?
- big game- ?
- the life and times of multivac - bicentennial man
- about nothing-  winds of change
- the winnowing - the bicentennial man
- old fashioned - the bicentennial man
- marching in  - the bicentennial man
- birth of a nation  - the bicentennial man
- good taste - winds of change
- to tell at a glance - winds of change
- sure thing - winds of change
- found - winds of change
- fair exchange - winds of change
- nothing for nothing - winds of change
- how it happened - winds of change
- it is coming - winds of change
- the last answer - winds of change
- for the birds - winds of change
- death of a foy - winds of change
- the last shuttle - winds of change
- a perfect fit - winds of change
- ignition point - winds of change
- lest we remember -winds of change
- winds of change - winds of change
- one night of song - winds of change
- hallucination
- feghoot & the courts
- left to right
- the fable of the three princes
- the smile of the chipper
- the instability 
- good-bye to earth 
- fault intolerant
- in the canyon
- kid brother
- gold
- cal
- prince delightful and the flameless dragon
- frustration
ok, so i'm updating this post, and i'm also changing my mind a little bit - i'm going to insert two very late robot collections (robot dreams & robot visions) in before i go to the next step, and before i do the write-up.

this should close down the introductory robot section.

the third short stories collection, complete stories, will then clean up a good deal of the early material, before i move to buy jupiter and then the martian way, and then finally the bicentennial man at which point almost everything will be dealt with, except a handful of very late stories that i'll deal with at the very, very end.

some of the remaining stories will exist in asimov's broader universe and be placed in section II, others will be placed in section I and still others will be placed in section IV.


i'm going to propose my own arrangement of these short stories, in three volumes. the idea is to pull out the interesting pieces and throw away the ones that are just kids' stories. the fourth volume isn't intended to actually exist, but it's the leftovers.

i intend this to be comprehensive, but will not include the short stories collected in the foundation texts. this currently includes everything up to 1950 [the only thing i haven't reviewed yet is nightfall], as well as a good selection of the material up to 1982, with a stronger emphasis on the material in the 50s.

step three will be "the complete works, volume I", of which a second was completed but a third volume was not. that will lead off with nightfall and clean up much of the material before 1970.

i suspect i may add further to the robot sequence. we'll see.

the essential asimov short stories:

section I: isolated stories
- trends
- the weapon too dreadful to use
- half-breed 
- the secret sense
- super-neutron
- nightfall
- not final! + victory unintentional 
- no connection
- red queen's race
- sally
- let's get together
- segregationist

section II: back stories & side-stories
a: back stories for asimov's universe
- black friar of the flame
- homo sol
- the imaginary
- the hazing
- heredity
- death sentence
- mother earth
b: side stories in asimov's universe
- mirror image
- blind alley
- robot al-76 goes astray  
- runaround
- catch that rabbit 
- risk
- escape!
- liar!
- satisfaction guaranteed

section III: robot sequence
- someday
- robbie
- light verse
- reason
- lenny
- galley slave
- little lost robot
- evidence
- the evitable conflict
- feminine intuition
- ...that thou art mindful of him
- the bicentennial man

section IV: throwaway:
- callistan menace
- ring around the sun
- the magnificent possession
- half-breeds on venus
- history
- christmas on ganymede
- the little man on the subway
- legal rites
- time pussy
- author! author!
- the endochronic properties of resublimated thiotimiline
- first law
- stranger in paradise
- a boy's best friend
- point of view
- tercentenary incident
- think!
- true love

- marooned off vesta
- darwinian poolroom
- green patches
- day of the hunters
- hostess
- breeds there a man
- in a good cause
- c-chute
- shah guidio g
- fun they had
- youth
- what if 
- martian way 
- the deep 
- button, button 
- monkey's finger
- nobody here but 
- flies 
- kid stuff
- belief
- everest 
- sucker bait
- the pause
- the immortal bard
- foundation of sf success
- lets not 
- its such a beautiful day 
- the singing bell
- the last trump 
- franchise
- the talking stone
- dreaming is a private thing
- the message 
- the dead past 
- hell-fire 
- living space 
- what's in a name 
- the dying night 
- each an explorer 
- pate de foie grras -
- the watery place 
- gimmick's three - the complete stories
- the last question - the complete stories
- jokester - the complete stories
- strike breaker - the complete stories
- dust of death - asimov's mysteries
- the author's ordeal -complete stories
- blank - buy jupiter
- does a bee care - buy jupiter
- profession - complete stories
- a loint of paw - asimov's mysteries
- ideas die hard - winds of change
- i'm in marsport without hilda - complete stories
- insert knob a in hole b - complete stories
- the gentle vultures - complete stories
- spell my name with an s - complete stories
- i just make them up, see - complete stories
- the feeling of power - the complete stories
- silly asses - buy jupiter
- all the troubles of the world - complete stories
- buy jupiter - buy jupiter
- the uptodate sorcerer - complete stories
- the ugly little boy - the complete stories
- a statue for father - buy jupiter
- anniversary - asimov's mysteries
- unto the fourth generation - complete stories
- obituary - asimov's mysteries
- rain, rain go away - buy jupiter
- rejection slips - complete stories
- what is this thing called love - complete stories
- the machine that won the war - complete stories
- my son, the physicist - complete stories
- star light - asimov's mysteries
- eyes do more than see - complete stories
- founding father - buy jupiter
- the key - asimov's mysteries
- prime of life - bicentennial man
- the billiard ball - asimov's mysteries
- exile to hell = buy jupiter
- key item - buy jupiter
- the proper study - buy jupiter
- waterclap - bicentennial man
- 2430 ad - buy jupiter
- the greatest asset - buy jupiter
- take a match - buy jupiter
- thiotimoline to the stars - buy jupiter
- the dream - ?
- benjamin's dream - ?
- party by satellite - ?
- benjamin's bicentennial blast - ?
- half-baked publisher's delight - ?
- heavenly host - ?
- big game- ?
- the life and times of multivac - bicentennial man
- about nothing-  winds of change
- the winnowing - the bicentennial man
- old fashioned - the bicentennial man
- marching in  - the bicentennial man
- birth of a nation  - the bicentennial man
- good taste - winds of change
- to tell at a glance - winds of change
- sure thing - winds of change
- found - winds of change
- fair exchange - winds of change
- nothing for nothing - winds of change
- how it happened - winds of change
- it is coming - winds of change
- the last answer - winds of change
- for the birds - winds of change
- death of a foy - winds of change
- the last shuttle - winds of change
- a perfect fit - winds of change
- ignition point - winds of change
- lest we remember -winds of change
- winds of change - winds of change
- one night of song - winds of change
- hallucination
- feghoot & the courts
- robot dreams
- left to right
- the fable of the three princes
- the smile of the chipper
- christmas without rodney
- the instability 
- good-bye to earth 
- too bad
- robot visions
- fault intolerant
- in the canyon
- kid brother
- gold
- cal
- prince delightful and the flameless dragon
- frustration
i'm not going to uphold the fantasy, myself - i'm going to analyze this in terms of calvinist references, not muslim ones.
there's another idea that asimov was writing about islam.

listen - asimov wrote a lot of stuff, and there's little indication he had any interest in islam. he wrote a lot about roman history, a lot about european history...

he was a liberal atheist jew living in boston in the mid-20th century. if you have to make a choice between calvinism and islam as an influence on his writing, the former should be the obvious choice.

but, i mean - you can imagine otherwise, if you insist. it doesn't really matter if you think he's imagining crazy calvinists or crazy muslims - it's crazy religious people, one way or the other.

but, i mean, this ought not be a serious debate in terms of what existed in his mind - it's pretty clear that the topic in asimov's mind, as he was writing, was never islam and always calvinism.
so, what's with the dr. calvin/calvinism thing?

i kept an eye out for that, and it only shows up briefly in that one text, the evitable conflict, where she insists on a robot-driven predestination.

i actually think that what asimov might have been getting at was the crustiness and austerity of calvinism. susan calvin might not say much about calvinist theology, but she certainly represents a caricature of the protestant work ethic....
these are statements said by one robot about another to, in this case, hostile jovian aliens.

1) "our friend is very curious at times, and he isn't quite as bright as we are, though that is only his misfortune."

2) "i hope you will pardon our friend. he is sometimes clumsy."

3) "our companion is often clumsy. you must excuse him."

4) "you're being childish, one. they're telling the truth. oh well, nose around if you must. but don't take too long: we've got to move on".

that's c3p0 and r2d2, right?

no - it's an asimov short story published in 1942, when he was still a university student.
i'm going to propose my own arrangement of these short stories, in three volumes. the idea is to pull out the interesting pieces and throw away the ones that are just kids' stories. the fourth volume isn't intended to actually exist, but it's the leftovers.

i intend this to be comprehensive, but will not include the short stories collected in the foundation texts. this currently includes everything up to 1950 [the only thing i haven't reviewed yet is nightfall], as well as a good selection of the material up to 1982, with a stronger emphasis on the material in the 50s.

step three will be "the complete works, volume I", of which a second was completed but a third volume was not. that will lead off with nightfall and clean up much of the material before 1970.

i suspect i may add further to the robot sequence. we'll see.

the essential asimov short stories:

section I: isolated stories
- trends
- the weapon too dreadful to use
- half-breed 
- the secret sense
- super-neutron
- nightfall
- not final! + victory unintentional 
- no connection
- red queen's race
- sally
- let's get together
- segregationist

section II: back stories & side-stories
a: back stories for asimov's universe
- black friar of the flame
- homo sol
- the imaginary
- the hazing
- heredity
- death sentence
- mother earth
b: side stories in asimov's universe
- mirror image
- blind alley
- robot al-76 goes astray  
- runaround
- catch that rabbit 
- risk
- escape!
- liar!
- satisfaction guaranteed

section III: robot sequence
- someday
- robbie
- light verse
- reason
- lenny
- galley slave
- little lost robot
- evidence
- the evitable conflict
- feminine intuition
- ...that thou art mindful of him
- the bicentennial man

section IV: throwaway:
- callistan menace
- ring around the sun
- the magnificent possession
- half-breeds on venus
- history
- christmas on ganymede
- the little man on the subway
- legal rites
- time pussy
- author! author!
- the endochronic properties of resublimated thiotimiline
- first law
- stranger in paradise
- a boy's best friend
- point of view
- tercentenary incident
- think!
- true love

- marooned off vesta
- darwinian poolroom
- green patches
- day of the hunters
- hostess
- breeds there a man
- in a good cause
- c-chute
- shah guidio g
- fun they had
- youth
- what if 
- martian way 
- the deep 
- button, button 
- monkey's finger
- nobody here but 
- flies 
- kid stuff
- belief
- everest 
- sucker bait
- the pause
- the immortal bard
- foundation of sf success
- lets not 
- its such a beautiful day 
- the singing bell
- the last trump 
- franchise
- the talking stone
- dreaming is a private thing
- the message 
- the dead past 
- hell-fire 
- living space 
- what's in a name 
- the dying night 
- each an explorer 
- pate de foie grras -
- the watery place 
- gimmick's three - the complete stories
- the last question - the complete stories
- jokester - the complete stories
- strike breaker - the complete stories
- dust of death - asimov's mysteries
- the author's ordeal -complete stories
- blank - buy jupiter
- does a bee care - buy jupiter
- profession - complete stories
- a loint of paw - asimov's mysteries
- ideas die hard - winds of change
- i'm in marsport without hilda - complete stories
- insert knob a in hole b - complete stories
- the gentle vultures - complete stories
- spell my name with an s - complete stories
- i just make them up, see - complete stories
- the feeling of power - the complete stories
- silly asses - buy jupiter
- all the troubles of the world - complete stories
- buy jupiter - buy jupiter
- the uptodate sorcerer - complete stories
- the ugly little boy - the complete stories
- a statue for father - buy jupiter
- anniversary - asimov's mysteries
- unto the fourth generation - complete stories
- obituary - asimov's mysteries
- rain, rain go away - buy jupiter
- rejection slips - complete stories
- what is this thing called love - complete stories
- the machine that won the war - complete stories
- my son, the physicist - complete stories
- star light - asimov's mysteries
- eyes do more than see - complete stories
- founding father - buy jupiter
- the key - asimov's mysteries
- prime of life - bicentennial man
- the billiard ball - asimov's mysteries
- exile to hell = buy jupiter
- key item - buy jupiter
- the proper study - buy jupiter
- waterclap - bicentennial man
- 2430 ad - buy jupiter
- the greatest asset - buy jupiter
- take a match - buy jupiter
- thiotimoline to the stars - buy jupiter
- the dream - ?
- benjamin's dream - ?
- party by satellite - ?
- benjamin's bicentennial blast - ?
- half-baked publisher's delight - ?
- heavenly host - ?
- big game- ?
- the life and times of multivac - bicentennial man
- about nothing-  winds of change
- the winnowing - the bicentennial man
- old fashioned - the bicentennial man
- marching in  - the bicentennial man
- birth of a nation  - the bicentennial man
- good taste - winds of change
- to tell at a glance - winds of change
- sure thing - winds of change
- found - winds of change
- fair exchange - winds of change
- nothing for nothing - winds of change
- how it happened - winds of change
- it is coming - winds of change
- the last answer - winds of change
- for the birds - winds of change
- death of a foy - winds of change
- the last shuttle - winds of change
- a perfect fit - winds of change
- ignition point - winds of change
- lest we remember -winds of change
- winds of change - winds of change
- one night of song - winds of change
- hallucination
- feghoot & the courts
- robot dreams
- left to right
- the fable of the three princes
- the smile of the chipper
- christmas without rodney
- the instability 
- good-bye to earth 
- too bad
- robot visions
- fault intolerant
- in the canyon
- kid brother
- gold
- cal
- prince delightful and the flameless dragon
- frustration