Sunday, August 1, 2021

so, here's the theme, if you want just the notepad without the goofy shit:

this should line up well, just keep in mind the following:

- you need to title every post. if you post something without a title, it will misalign.
- it will eventually go out of alignment if your post is too long - well over 100 lines.
- new posts will realign, so long as those posts have titles.
- you want to use normal breaklines and not the weird ones it defaults to nowadays. i use the following as a template:

<div style="text-align: left;"></div>

that simple line will default everything to normal line breaks, and let the formatting work correctly.

it's entirely functional, but it has some limitations that are probably hardcoded into the html, and may even reduce to floating point errors within the processor. computers aren't as good at math as people think...

so, i'm ready to get going, now.