Friday, June 18, 2021

so, the period 3.1 post for june 16th was the art show demo, inri079, which i uploaded as is some time ago and dated to early january, 2004. there will be a number of historical demos released over period 3 that contain half-finished music because i circulated them that way; it's really a relic of the period when cd burning was easily accessible and everybody listened to music that way.

what it is is an unfinished mix of the interplanetary isomorphism symphony, with the track "like divine amoebas" inserted into the middle. "all you need" had already been dropped by then, but the symphony is simply not yet complete.

so, i mean, it's a historical relic, but it's also interesting for what it is - as an alternate lp.

the bulk of this will appear on the trivial group lp in completed instrumental form, whereas "like divine amoebas" appears largely as is on the ftaa ep.