Monday, June 7, 2021

so, i launched cubase to check to see if the eax plugin was loading, and it froze with the third stick in.

i took it out, and it booted.

here's what i don't know right now - is the stick bad, is the board funny or is cubase having difficulty with this hybrid ram channel thing? what i mean is this - if i have two sticks in, it loads them together and if i have four sticks in it loads them in parallel. but, when i put three sticks in, it does this weird in between thing.

i have to experiment with it, but i want to make sure everything is loading first.

in the end, if i decide that one of the sticks is bad, i might have to choose between 2 and 4 gb if i want the machine to run. but, i should be able to get 2x1 gb of ram relatively cheaply nowadays, right?