Tuesday, June 8, 2021

return to three room basement suite (2002-2003)

after selling the house with the concrete jail basement for a profit, and renting the split-level townhouse for a few months, my dad found himself employed again and they were able to move into this four bedroom mansion about a block from where i went to high school. the room i ended up in was designed pretty much perfectly for me, as it had a door leading to a room with another room off to the side, which i was able to split into a bedroom and a studio. my sister got her grand piano back, which meant i got to make use of her digital piano (heard on reflections and flying). but, not a lot of new gear entered this space, either - i just got to make the most of what was there.

tracks recorded in this basement:

- trepanation nation was finished
- penny shoeman & jumped up and down were demoed
- untitled was started
- atom's & taught to twist the affected were done
- reflections symphony
- and the start of interplanetary isomorphism, along with some outtakes associated with it

- in an attempt to move to multitrack digital recording, i bought a copy of cakewalk but i couldn't get it to run on the pc i had and had to abandon it. it disappeared some time after 2003.
- the introduction to untitled was created using orion 
- the drums for untitled were created from a variety of sources, including noteworthy composer, leaf drums, sounder, hammerhead and some new programs - fruity loops and an emulator of novation's drumstation.
reflections uses claps, pens on tables and spoons on bowls for percussion.

near the end, i was trying to get sarah to move her drum kit in, but it never happened - rather, she moved in, herself. 

and, this is where i've left off.

so, if i was hoping to get a list of lost gear to emulate, that didn't happen, did it?