Monday, March 8, 2021

ok, so i can't do a brute force hack on the pasta bowl or the eggs and i don't want to do a final run for the fruit bowl. i've got too many loose threads open and i'm just totally unravelling. how do i reweave myself back into some semblance of coherence?

i was building liner notes, and i stopped to fix my diet - thinking it would take a few days to build. six months later, and i'm reaching a conclusion, but need to move on.

i realized my fluoride data totals were wrong, and went to backtrack to fix them. in the process, i decided i'd make a final fruit bowl post because i was almost done and set about compiling it. but, then i wanted to build a book documenting the entire saga. but, then i decided i wanted to build a book documenting my comments on the pandemic. and, i kept going further back, until i decided to go back to the start...

the idea was that, if i start at the beginning, in august 2013, i can spin off a series of different narratives, not just the food saga and the pandemic commentary. these would all be little books to read. in the process, i could spin off the liner notes, as well. i'd actually be multitasking.

but, then, i realized the need to get to the alter-reality, too.

as i was cleaning, i came to the decision that i need to create a schedule and more effectively multitask or i'll continually get lost in these complex recursions. so, i need to be doing three things at once:

1) moving through the alter-reality, starting in 1989
2) actually getting back to the discography, at period 3
3) starting in 2013 with the blogs and rebuilding them, moving forwards

if i do any one of these three things, strictly, then i'll never get any of the others finished. 

so, what if i get in the habit of spending:

sat/sun/mon building the blogs
tues/wed/thurs working on the discography (starting at period 3)
fri on the alter-reality.

eventually,  these things will crash into each other.

and, i need to finish cleaning and fixing machines in here, first.

i don't actually want to do it like this but i think i absolutely have to.