Sunday, January 19, 2020

i ate too much....

too much is 40 blueberries, 10 strawberries, 2 kiwis, 2 bananas, 2 scoops of ice cream, 2 glasses of soy milk, most of a litre of apple juice, and most of a plate of breakfast that consisted of 4 eggs on 2 slices of toasted pumpernickel, 8 slices of marble cheese and four slices of genoa salami, that i buy in bulk like a christmas ham.

i hadn't had a meal since friday morning, and this one was actually by accident - i wasn't supposed to eat again until tuesday night. now, it's put off until thursday night...

i'll have some fruit, daily, in between.

i can report that the machine's back up, but it'll be a while before i'm back online.

i went to upload some pdfs to noise trade and realized that i forgot to take screen shots on the windows 7 box. i don't know how to do that on the chromebook, or if i even can. that's fine, i'll do it in a bit and upload from here when it's done.

for right now, i want to keep the other machine up so i'm going to avoid connecting with it for a bit. yeah. well, this is what they get - they've got me logged into a guest account on a chromebook. try tracing or corrupting that.

first, i want to understand what this form 68 is all about; it's time to do that, now. i can do that from here. then, i'll make sure i get the noise trade stuff uploaded, and might upload the bandcamp stuff, too. then i can get to the deferral, which i'm going to want to email to the human rights tribunal by the end of the day tomorrow...

i can always email that from here, btw.

and, i now have email forwarding, as well.

so, i'd rather send from my dtk account. but, knocking out my windows 7 laptop won't stop me from being able to send email. that's how i'm posting to this blog, actually...