Friday, March 30, 2018

i'm very close to calling them in on heroin.

the smell is of acetic acid, and this seems to happen on friday nights, although it also sometimes smells kind of like soapy wine. again: i have no experience with heroin and would not be able to identify it, but research tells me that it smells like vinegar due to the cutting agents.

if anybody ever offered me heroin, it is unlikely that i would be able to refrain myself from beating the shit out of them.

i'm not sure why else there would be repeated vinegar smells rising from downstairs. on weekends. it seems obvious.

tonight is a thursday, but it's a long weekend. and, i'm holding back because i don't want an ambulance to wake her up.

it would be the easiest solution, wouldn't it? and, wouldn't it be a matter of time, anyways?