i need to get caught up on the discography, because it's becoming
clear that my main focus for the foreseeable future is going to be
fighting multiple legal battles, simultaneously.
this is life. all i want to do is play guitar. but there's always some fucking bullshit.
i was going to be a lawyer, and i was never going to be a lawyer, then
this is what i'd want to do - go after slumlords and try and take down
the bourgeoisie. i wouldn't mind sitting on odsp and working pro bono. i
gave up because i realized the system is rigged - that these legal
principles are just imaginary things, really.
i could
very well end up fighting an appeal to stay here as i go after the local
management company on human rights charges to try and find somewhere to
move to. i might need to fight legal battles on both fronts. and, then
i'm doing what i didn't want to do - i'm working for no purpose,
spending eight-ten hours a day fighting to keep the gear safe, but not
being able to use it. that's as pointless as just getting a fucking job,
but, i may very well literally have no other choice.
i'm lucky, the company will listen to me, or at least give me somewhere
nice to stay. that will save everybody a lot of time, and let me get
back to doing something i care about within a couple of weeks.
if not, this could be a really long slog.