Thursday, July 14, 2016

so, i'm going to let my ears rest for the day, and do a little bit of editing. there could very well be a few vlogs for early july up.

remember - this is documentation, mostly for historical reasons. i'm a composer. could you imagine vlogs for beethoven? this would be of the ultimate historical value. i actually don't know if we have journal writing. we very well might. but, video evidence is a different level of documentation.

this can double as a kind of advertisement, so it's useful for me to upload it - so long as it's not eating into too much of my time.

the point is just that this wasn't the first time i disappeared for a few weeks, and it won't be the last time. don't take extended periods of inactivity as some kind of sign of disinterest. it's not likely that these vlogs are going to stop any time soon, even if they're paused for weeks at a time.