Wednesday, July 27, 2016

j reacts to the impossibility of feminine men within hierarchical heteropatriarchy

"so why don't you just be a girly dude."

i just got that one. again. the reason is that you can't actually live that way.

i'll just show up to work in a skirt, right? ok, maybe that's not as out there as it was even a few years ago. here's another example that cuts a lot deeper: women just don't ask guys out.

so, why don't i show initiative? why don't i take control? why don't i be a man about it?.

whatever the answers to those questions, i think it gets the point across: you can't just be a girly dude. i think it's a lot easier to be a masculine female. you may even get a little privilege out of it. but, the premise you're throwing at me just really isn't actually feasible, and i don't think that you need to be queer to be cognizant of it.

do you know what would have actually happened had i shown up to work at microsoft in a skirt?

they'd have sent me to hr, and off to a psychiatric assessment - where i would have been given hormones, and probably the option to go on leave for a few months. i may have even been transferred.

...because it was fucking microsoft.

in canada.

it would have been a little different at a mcdonalds in dallas.

but, you get the point. it's not a real option.