Monday, July 18, 2016

j reacts to her own political irrelevance for the remainder of this century

listen, i've actually been over this repeatedly.

i do not feel that my politics are realistically attainable within my life time. this is why i would prefer to reject society and live in poverty in order to focus on art. i am entirely aware that i am so far outside of the status quo, that i cannot be coherently understood - except in a revolutionary context.

i consequently offer a kind of acid test, right. i would expect the status quo to reject virtually everything i say. so, if you find yourself of the opinion that i'm kind of extreme? sure. i agree with you. and, you're the status quo.

just understand two things:

(1) i expect a very small audience, because of the nature of my comments. i would be the first person to be shocked by the prospect of my audience growing. this would imply that my analysis is incorrect.

(2) the size of my audience has not and will continue to not have any effect on my comments.

i'm a musician. check out my tunes.