Friday, March 18, 2016

i finished the wipedown of deathtokoalas - as much as i can - from youtube on the 9th. i went on some adventures at the end of last week. i've been editing all week (i admit i was distracted by the democratic party primaries on the 15th). i'll be pushing through with editing until i've got everything i have uploaded, but i'm at least back on schedule.

when i get that done, it's going to be another week or so of clearing off rants from canadian online newspapers over the 2015 election cycle. this will be a faster run, i think, because it should be totally cross-linked.

i do believe that this is the last deletion operation, and that i should be able to get back to what i was doing by the beginning of april.

this has been lengthy. it will be about three months, in the end. but, the takeaway is that i really actually seriously have quit smoking cigarettes. and, that's worth a few months of low productivity in the long run.

it's something i had to do, eventually. and it's almost done.

if you're curious as to what i've been up to over the last two months, the place to catch up is over here. i should be back to the music pretty soon, though.