Wednesday, December 9, 2015

obligatory influential...

in some ways, this is pretty weak. i mean, i'm not claiming i'm doing much on the guitar with this track. but, the thing is that the hendrix signature is pretty obvious - even if it's all rhythm work. but, you can't find hendrix on youtube. so, srv is the next best relevant option.

in fact, the truth is that i had spent as much time doing srv parts in the mid 90s as i had spent doing hendrix parts. my guitar teacher was somewhat of an srv wizard. and, while stevie really only knew how to play two songs, he played them both really, really well.

(relevant tracks: i'm not always a flashy guitarist, but hendrix/srv are really at the core of my guitar style, and it comes out in various ways over various periods. when i get fancy, you can hear it pretty clearly.)

he tends to lose the plot. it's...he's drunk...

i'm sorry. it's true.

whoever was in charge of editing this should have cut out the part in the middle where he didn't know what day it was.