Monday, June 1, 2015

inri036 is going to need a few new mixes, but i've been wanting to add an html front-end to the aleph-discs, so i'm going back to the very start to do that. i'm going to have to rethink the aleph-concept to make space for new mixes, so i might as well do it now. it also means i'm going to begin the process of deleting information from this page, from the bottom up.

it's not this page that's going to take forever, it's the politics page. and, bluntly, that's not the biggest priority for me at the moment, so i'm thinking i'll probably just skip it until i get done the discography altogether. that means this page should be cleaned up within a week or two, and i'll be moved off of it.

i'm leaning heavily at the moment towards merely hardcoding the journal up to appspot, but i'll take a look at some of the other options before i make that choice. i need something that's open to the general public and doesn't run on scripts that hide posts - so it can actually be read like a journal. i'm guessing livejournal is the right option...

again: this page isn't going dead, but it's going to be reduced to a "normal" facebook page that just posts updates - it's the journal aspect that i'm removing. it will look sort of like a cv.