Tuesday, May 19, 2015

i have more than enough material to fill three discs, but i'm prioritizing the concepts of each of the discs and it's leading me to a likely recreation of two ambient versions: one for stuck in the middle of an alley closing in on all sides, and one for the psilocybin symphony. that would make the second volume of the ambient collection a triplet of the thru concept, which is what i was aiming for, with the exception that the ambient collection contains a reflections period track in replace of the walk.

i have versions of both of the tracks that i was planning on substituting, but they're just not "ambient" enough. i may convince myself otherwise.

if i go through with this, it will mean updates to inri024 and inri027. i'm going to start with "stuck" first, and go from there.

after lunch, that is.

it's consequently going to be a day or two....

volume one is done up to the continuity mixing. and volume 0 hasn't been started yet.